Thread: PC troubles...
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Old 03-01-2004, 01:58 PM   #1
Silver Dragon
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Join Date: July 29, 2003
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Basically, with all the new games coming out you need a tank of a PC to play them. I've begged my parents for us to get a new computer but they haven't done anything. So what needs doing? Shall I upgrade my current components via the internet? Install new components? Buy a new PC? I think the main problem is just my graphics card. For example:

Battlefield 1942
OS: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP I have Win98

3D accelerator: Supported Direct3D wideocard with TGL err... I think I have direct 3d, not sure...

Processor: 500MHz I have 950MHz

Hard Drive: 1.2GB in total I have 16GB so not really a problem

CD-DVD: 4 Speed I have a DVD rom, not sure about its speed though...

Internet: Modem I have broadband so no problem

Graphics: 32MB with Hardware Transfer & Lighting Okay I have no idea what that means. All I know is that I have something like a 3DFX Voodoo3 card or something... It says it supports Geforce and Radeon

So am I right in thinking that my graphics card is the problem when trying to play newer games (not just BF1942)? If so, any reccomendations? Thanks in advance.
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