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Old 02-29-2004, 09:33 AM   #9
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
Location: Utrecht The Netherlands
Age: 58
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Actually, when we were all little Dutchies, the grown up Dutchies made us believe Sinterklaas is from Spain, and comes to bring us presents every year on December 5.

Then, when us little ones grew older, we found out that Sinterklaas is in fact a dressed up Dutch adult, leaving us little ones with a sour taste in our mouths.... they have been lying to us the whole time.

Then when we grew a little more older, we found out that on top of the lies, the information was false. Sinterklaas isn't from Spain, but from Turkey.

Which explains the amount of angry young teenagers in the Netherlands.
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