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Old 02-29-2004, 07:11 AM   #17
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Dreamer128:
A great idea USS. Mel has actually made me kind of curious as to how well known our Dutch stars really are. Maybe I'll conjure up a similair poll [img]smile.gif[/img]
They are VERY well known.... until you reach the Belgian border. It stops there. Seriously, the status of "star" is being given away a little too easy these days if you ask me. I was reading an article the other day, about who would be the best choice for the part of Lara Croft, and Froukje de Both thought she would be perfect for the part, except she thought, and i quote, "i'll probably don't stand a chance, because they'll be looking for someone with bigger boobs and lips". And i thought "eeeerm.... no Froukje.... you don't stand a chance because you are petty little Dutch soapactress, nobody outside of Holland has ever heard about you OR cares about you".

To get back on topic, i know Mart Poom because he plays football, that's it. All the others are abracadadra to me.
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