Thread: Valentine's Day
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Old 02-16-2004, 05:15 PM   #52

Join Date: January 6, 2003
Location: NJ, USA
Age: 25
Posts: 550
Well, I'm married & have kids, so this weekend is a bit harder to make happen. First off, there are very few people who we trust watching the boys, so if we were going out, it wa as a family. But then thats not fair to the young couples who go out for an 'adults only' meal. So...what to do.

Last week, I stopped by her favorite restaurant & got their take-out menu. Now, they won't do takeout on V-day, but they would Friday. So...I coordinated a flower delivery Friday afternoon (boxed roses...she gets angry if we get 'stuck' with another vase) with chocolates and a full take out dinner that I brought home for the family (and a bottle of wine). Friday went well.

Saturday was a disaster. She had to go into work & asked me to delay any outing to Sunday. I gladly agreed and the boys and I watched movies as she worked.

Sunday came and she wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant that we know that we were given a gift certificate for for Christmas. (Thus starts 2 hours of searching the house to find it...which we never did) She was Very upset & didn't want to go there paying full price. I assured her that it will show up eventually and we'll go when it does. Until then, where would she like to eat.

Well, out of my wife's mouth popped a suggestion that I never would have made. Great food, very kid friendly, and we had not eaten there in a Very long time (and never for dinner). What does she suggest (and I would have gotten catcalls if I suggested this)?


The food really is good, its very kid friendly, and they serve both wine and beer. We had a great cost us a fraction of what any other restaurant would have...and the kids Loved it. So yes, where did I take my wife for her Valentine's Dinner...? Fuddruckers...!
<b>\"In the darkest hour theres a light that shines on every human being...but one!\"</b>
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