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Old 02-10-2004, 05:39 PM   #15
Set - Egyptian God of Chaos

Join Date: January 7, 2002
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Age: 45
Posts: 2,975
Hello all [img]graemlins/happywave.gif[/img]

well, the hike went good and the 11 hour bus trip yesterday allowed me to catch some rest but the next three days of doing nothing is something I'm looking forward to for sure [img]smile.gif[/img]

Gotta go drop my films off for processing this afternoon and need some essentials from the supermarket too, already shaved my shaggyness away so that's one of my major things I needed to do that's done and dusted... (amazing how much growth you get after being in a rainforest for a week and not being able to shave )

Glad to hear you're getting good playtime for your buck Cloudlady, I'm bored of all my games [img]tongue.gif[/img] including Dark Age of Camelot, I like that one when Jen's playing cause I can play with her but she's focusing on school and stuff (which is fair nuff ) at the mo' so pretty much finding stuff to do away from my puter chair, hehe
Dunno what I'm a do for the rest of the day though after I done what needs doin, sit round waiting for my gorgeous girlfriend to be getting home me thinks... [img]tongue.gif[/img]
\"Doing stuff is overrated, like Hitler, he did lots of stuff, but doesn\'t everybody wish he\'d just stayed at home and smoked pot?!?\"
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