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Old 02-07-2004, 05:00 PM   #3
Egyptian Goddess of the Dead

Join Date: July 12, 2001
Location: South Carolina
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Originally posted by swampee:
Hello everyone just joined the forum. I wanted to ask a question if ebay was safe to buy a computer from??? There seems to be real nice deals on there. Any help would be appreciated thanks! Oh yeah great forum by the way!
Firstly, welcome to Ironworks [img]smile.gif[/img]

As far as buying computers on ebay goes - on the whole, it's perfectly safe. Just make sure you buy from a reputed seller (with many positive feedbacks). Also, take the time to find out what it's going to cost you in shipping - a lot of the time you can get a seemingly good deal, but then get absolutely hammered on the shipping and insurance.

If you need any more help or advice on ebay, you can always PM me, since I'm quite the guru in that field
Marvellous banter; I am bereft of ribs.
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