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Old 02-07-2004, 07:06 AM   #1

Join Date: November 1, 2002
Location: Australia ..... G\'day!
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Does any one here on Ironworks drink red bull? I dont and never have, is it as bad as the French courts make out? did the product use to be 'stronger'? Does anyone here use it to help them study? Am I the only guy on the planet not to try it?

"Health concerns over the Red Bull energy drink were fuelled yesterday after Europe's highest court upheld a French ban on the product.

The fizzy drink has been linked to several deaths and some experts have criticised its high levels of caffeine and other stimulants.

Red Bull is Britain's best-selling energy drink, with 213 million cans consumed last year. It has been dubbed the "clubbers' drink", and is often mixed with vodka. The popular adverts claiming that Red Bull "gives you wings", have led to the brand being described as "the Porsche of soft drinks".

It contains caffeine, vitamins, and sugar which, the company claims, kick-starts the body's metabolism and keeps people alert. But France has refused to authorise its sale, along with other vitamin-fortified foods such as Danone yoghurt and Kellogg's cereals."

the full story HERE

What do you guys think? Ban it or love it?

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