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Old 02-01-2004, 11:05 AM   #16
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: January 2, 2003
Location: Big Castle in the Sky
Age: 37
Posts: 4,835
Originally posted by D*Ranged:
A few days ago I decided to sleep on a rug for no particular reason.
It was fine until then, when the problem started - next morning I woke up and I found myself bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, sandflies and whatnot. I was bitten all over my abdomen, right armpit and my thighs!!! :embarrassed:
Holy crap, when's the last time you gave that thing a good cleaning? [img]tongue.gif[/img]

I used to crash on the floor quite a lot, and I mean a hard wood floor, about 1/7 of an inch of carpet covering it and the worst I ever got was probably a couple of spider bites. Never slept on a rug that much, just covered myself up in a blanket was about it.
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