Thread: Schoolbullies..
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Old 01-30-2004, 11:56 AM   #5
40th Level Warrior
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Originally posted by LordKathen:
The bottom line is to not let the bully win. Ignoring the bully will work eventually, but you have to not just ignore them, but act like they are not even there and having no effect on you. If you show even a small sign of them getting in your head, they are winning.
I was bullied a lot as a young kid. I would either yell back at them, try to ignore them, tell an adult, etc. Nothing really worked untill the day I shocked everyone.
I will never forget his name. Sid Mccord. Or the look on his face when I, out of the blue, halled of and punched him square in the nose!
Violance is not always the answer, but it will usually get a "respected" response from your adversary.
Ignoring the bully won't work, they usually see it as an act of weakness. There's only one way to deal with it, and it ends straight on the nose.
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