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Old 02-01-2004, 02:24 AM   #35
The Magister

Join Date: April 12, 2003
Location: Huntington Baech CA
Age: 70
Posts: 111
I played with my first group for a year and half without ever seeeing any of the mods or reading any bokks other than the players hand book. It was an agreement we mase with the DM. I think it made the game more magical to us. It allowed the DM to create a pure fantasy for us without getting bogged down in arguments about rules.

I saw my first module when we finally decided it was time for a change and I was picked to be the new DM. The first module I DM'ed was the original Ravenloft. I'd love to get my hands on a copy that. This thing really was a work of art. It published around 1980. Thinking about it makes want go see what the gaming stores have on the shelf.
\"I wouldn\'t belong to a group that would have some one like me as a member\"<br /> Groucho
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