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Old 01-21-2004, 08:03 AM   #11

Join Date: November 1, 2002
Location: Australia ..... G\'day!
Posts: 6,123
Originally posted by Vaskez:

P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed

This is true.

About 6 months ago we had a report in the tech log on a 767 that there where noises like a mouse or rat from above in the pilots CB (circuit breaker) panel. I had to drop the panels down and fit several mousetraps. They are a poison bait on an extremely strong glue surround. The poison weakens the animal enough for the glue to be effective.

Joking aside the potential damage a mouse or rat can do to the wiring is a worry. That plane was grounded for a day, sealed up, till we where confident that there were no more animals

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