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Old 01-14-2004, 06:45 PM   #2
Horus - Egyptian Sky God
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well, i seem to agree. I have a friend who was recently in a very serious car accident. From this accident, he suffered some forms of brain damage. (Btw, he's ok, now) After he returned to school, I noticed that he acted very differently. My friend, for now, has forgotten almost everything from the last 4 months before the wreck, or so. He is slowly regaining things, but there is something else. He is certainly slower now, his wit being blunted in some form, with his humor being very... well, immature. Things seem so simple to him, now, he is much like a child. I'm not sure if he will come to be how he was before, but i don't really think so. I'm glad to have my friend back, but I don't think he'll ever be the "old" Jonny again. Hopefully he grows out of the bad Michael Jackson jokes, soon!

My 2 cents, anyways. (wonder where the extra cent DOES go??)
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