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Old 01-14-2004, 09:56 AM   #35
Symbol of Cyric

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Originally posted by Vaskez:
Hmm yeah I guess that TO A DEGREE aliens could withstand different conditions but as I said earlier, everything is still made up of the same basic elements having to obey the same chemical and physical processes (even if their biology varies) thus their required living conditions can't be all that different.
It doesn't matter that we a re made of the same elements, and there is a possibility that other life forms are not based on the same elements, for simplicity sake we will say that they are carbon based (like us) but that does not mean that they require oxygen, on percieve soundwaves or infared. There are many evoloutionary variations possible. For example absoloute zero degrees is 0 Kelvins (-273.15 Celcius) so what is we assume that they don't require water, that means that 0 C is irrelevent to them or even -100 C.
And take the perspective of another race looking at Earth, we may be out of a similar temperature range also, they may view this planet as unable to support life as it has posinous oxygen in it's atmosphere.
What i'm saying is that we evolved to breath oxygen and "see" infared, "hear" soundwaves etc. it is almost certain that they should be extremly different from us.
Another point what if they are communicating with us but using a different methord, i mean just because we haven't discovered something does it mean it doesn't exist? such as before we could detect the radiation remaining from the big bang (such as the static recieved by an ordinary telivision) does it mean that it did not exist prior to it's discovery.
Personally i am confident there is "inteligent" life out there, i am also confident that if discovered it will be vastly different, at least most of it.
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