Thread: Roadkill
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Old 01-11-2004, 08:48 AM   #14

Join Date: November 1, 2002
Location: Australia ..... G\'day!
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Originally posted by Memnoch:
You don't want to run into a kangaroo if you're going anywhere from 80+kmh...It can do major damage to your car and to you. In the Northern Territory there are no speed limits so if you decide to take your car out and push it to 200+kmh you better hope that you don't run into a roo as neither of you will be walking away.
Too true, I’ve only once ridden my motorbike once past dark in the outback. It was near Texas (pop 7) in Queensland and we (my wife was riding pillion) hit a dead kangaroo at about 80kmh. Fresh dead as it turned out [img]tongue.gif[/img] by a truck that passed by in the opposite direction a moment before. The bike took off into the air, thankfully we landed straight and true [img]graemlins/wow.gif[/img] Two minutes later I’m pulled over at the side of the road shaking. You will not believe how high and far we traveled in the air.

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