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Old 01-06-2004, 08:34 PM   #4
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
Age: 57
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My parents used to have Peacocks. You know they only lay one or two eggs once a year? My parents and I went on vacation one summer right after these two peacocks had had their first eggs, and we left the care of all the pets, including the peacocks, to my friend, let's just call her Sue. Well Sue lived on a farm, they had pigs and cows and chickens, used to gathering eggs, and my friend Sue knew that my parents had chickens as well, and all sorts of species, we had brown and white eggs, and also some that laid light blue and green eggs. Well... Apparently my friend must not have recognized a peacock or something, I really don't to this day know what exactly she WAS thinking LOL. All I know is we got back from vacation, and check to see if the peacock eggs had hatched, but they were gone, not to be found. Bout an hour later Sue calls, and in the midst of the conversation to my mom she says "oh we got lots of eggs (my parents told them they could take any chicken eggs they found while we were gone), some really BIG ones too, they were really delicious!" DOH!

That was about 15 years ago, and still I make sure to bring that back up and rib her any chance I get LOL. She still claims she had no idea LOL!

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