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Old 12-22-2003, 08:27 PM   #20
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: January 2, 2003
Location: Big Castle in the Sky
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Originally posted by wellard:
Sure it is ignorance at work Gangrell, but should such ignorance go unchecked? Cerek did well but it was a case of opening the eyes of the blind one at a time and I’m afraid that will be a losing battle. To let people breed such ignorance and leave it unquestioned is IMO the wrong thing to do.

Such comments from influential people should be ridiculed and displayed up to the bright light of the truth for all clear minded people to see. I wonder if the holders of D&D copyrights can sue the ass of this mob?
Wellard, he was able to help people that had the will to see it for themselves, there are many who will flat out refuse to see it because they're so stubbornly stuck in their ways. For them, it wouldn't matter, they'd rather have their ignorance and pride (arrogance) than be proven wrong. This is why it's a losing battle, because much of the relegious orders refuse to even be in the same room than with such a 'satanic' thing.

Much of what happens in Dungeons and Dragons is more or less based on the old medieval stories, you kill the bad guy and save a small town or village from destruction, become the hero (or villian, however you like to play) and so forth, so it's not really a bad thing. Now, in all seriousness, if a person does not want to be associated with me when I play D&D because their relegion 'forbids' it then that person does not have to be around me, they can leave the room and I would understand so it's only respectful. And here's the part I don't understand, most of the pentecostals, whenever they hear God's name pronounced plurally, they'll wig out and always assume it has to do with the devil and will make a big deal out of it. Like I said, ignorance is hard at work.

That's my 2 cents on it anyway.
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