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Old 01-01-2004, 05:33 PM   #125
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Kaltia:
Originally posted by johnny:
Well, i'm assuming i had a good time. Most of the times i can't remember anything the next day, it was pretty good.

Unless of course you woke up naked with a thumping headache in the gutter
[/QUOTE]Well, one time i woke up with bruises all over my legs and blood on my face and hands, so i take it i didn't have a very good time the night before. The weirdest part is that i left home together with a few friends, and they couldn't tell me anything either. They lost track of me on a party and never saw me again that night. Up until today i still haven't got a clue where i went that night and how i got so messed up, but it was pretty obvious i ended up in some kind of fight. I DO know that i took XTC that night, and after that i never touched it again. Pretty scary eh ?
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