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Old 11-27-2003, 10:46 AM   #3
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: June 27, 2001
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Age: 43
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Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
Once again I'm doing a Website for a school prject, this time a page of links to Tourist information sites in Iceland... very boring and just terribly tedious.
I'm still working on it, some of the items on the page are not even in the right font as I'm using CSS to format it and here at school I only have access to Frontpage... and can't figure out how to use CSS in it.

But if you could look at it see what you think (it is boring I know) and make some suggestions how I can improve it, I'd be most gracious.

Please note that the assignment calls for just one page so I need to cram all this into just one page.
The Picture on the right side is just a holder to keep the tables in place, I'll be adding stuff there soon... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh and the link is here
Personally, I don't like style sheets and do everything the old way with notepad, althought I'll admit IV'e become lazy and like to use Dreamweaver for the basic stuff.

You should change the Font of your Logo and move the image a little more away from the text. Or at least you should resize it so that it don't loose so much quality. Don't forget to give a name to your page, too.

Are the two big blue bars different colors and shape on purpose? Make sure you center your text with them, too. It's closer to the right bar than the left one.
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