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Old 11-18-2003, 10:10 PM   #12
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: October 11, 2001
Location: Montreal,Quebec,Canada
Age: 53
Posts: 721
I got it today for $37. But boy was I mad! It seems that the store had opened it to put a security tag in it (irritating enough on it's own), but when they resealed it, the paper that gives a synopsis of the film and lists all the DVD features was GLUED to the box!!!! I spent about 40 minutes peeling off torn bits of paper and then trying to clean it so that no glue was left. I was ready to kill someone!
"Gee, look at the nice case! Someone put some real effort into making it look so nice. Let's glue stuff to it."

[ 11-18-2003, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Arnabas ]
Est Sularis oth Mithas
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