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Old 11-11-2003, 10:03 PM   #9
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

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Originally posted by johnny:
Can't you just ignore the person ? I've met several unpleasant people on the job as well, and had to work with some of them for months in a row. I just never give em any attention, and completely ignore them at times. I would defenitely not quit a job that i like for a minor problem like that.
That usually does work Johnny, but not all the time. Like in my instance I posted about above. This girl was the main worker when it came to getting out documents, a new program was bought, and she was trained to learn it. So no doubt she was overworked, as everything in many ways depended on her. I offered to learn the program, so I could help her, but none of the bosses offered to train me as they did her, so I think she was resentful that I didn't have to work as much as she did. But thing is, I also didn't make NEAR as much as she did either, so.. Either way, when she started getting shitty to me, again I just decided to ignore her and just go about my job, but I guess since we had socialized before, and me stopping that, she got Pissed at THAT lol, and again started to say I had gotten an "attitude" like I was being snobby and ignoring her or something. I just didn't know what to do, I tried to offer help, and she completely ignored that fact. Sigh.

Well back then I had two bosses, a high Executive and the Vice President who worked there. So, one day, I get called into the office of the Executive, and he told me I was doing a great job, heck I mainly worked for him anyways, only worked for the VP now and then, the COWORKER did most of the VP's work. So I'm feeling all happy and stuff, feeling I've been recognized doing a good job and all. Then, about 4 hours later, late in the afternoon, the VP calls me into HIS office. I'm thinking "wha? well maybe more praise LOL! cool!" Nope. He starts telling me how I've been "making mistakes" and I need to get my act together, etc. etc. Well I'm totally confused, cause I could not think what I had done wrong or a mistake made. So I asked him what I messed up on, and he COULD NOT TELL ME. He kinda sputtered about every time I asked him what I went wrong doing, and finally just said "you need to just straighten up" and dismissed me. So basically I figured that the COWORKER had talked to him and griped, and expected him to chastise me, was a jab she could get away with I guess, and I saw her in the VPs office bout 30 minutes before he called me in, and since she was the only one who knew this particular program that was so vital, he did what she wished to placate her I'm reckoning.

So basically after that day I knew it was time for me to go and look for another job LOL.

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