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Old 11-07-2003, 04:30 AM   #4
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: July 12, 2003
Location: Oz
Age: 38
Posts: 40
Ooooooh! Grrrr! ease up turbo!

Kids is merely just a word of which i use rather than dude or dawg! if it offends ya that much i think someone may need a little "cool down time".
Seriously, "kid"... it aint THAT bad

Ha! fair enough good point..curse my list of examples! next time just for you buddy, i shall endeavour to please and make an extensive list with every classification of image known to man! Come on kid it was merely just a few measly examples to get the ball rollin!

Recent evidence suggests that barrel full of monkeys is not half as much fun as previously claimed, and is, in fact, rather horrifying!<br /> <img border=\"0\" alt=\"[1druid]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/1druid.gif\" /> <br />So Sayeth Oogie Wisham <br /><br />2nd floor, The Jovial Juggler<br />Beregost<br /><br />Interesting chap, Look him up
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