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Old 10-27-2003, 07:30 PM   #4
Egyptian Goddess of the Dead

Join Date: July 12, 2001
Location: South Carolina
Age: 40
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I wouldn't have split up with her either.

Try and convince yourself that the distance between you two only makes the time you spend together more special. Look forward to seeing her, make it your aim to get through the week so that you can see her as a reward at the end of it all, as opposed to worrying about why you're not with her right here, right now. Always think ahead to the next time you two meet; what you'll do, what you'll say to her. In the days apart from each other, daydream freely, write her poems, letters, or sweet emails; there's always ways to communicate, no matter the distance. Failing this, there's always the phone. Give her a call and tell her what she means to you.

In short, there's always a way to get through the rough times, even when you think you can't take it anymore. In a way though, you're very lucky; so many relationships fall apart due to the fact that couples are on top of each other all the time, with no breathing space. Familiarity breeds contempt - and it's very often true.

Count your blessings, my friend. It's not easy to find a girl you're crazy about. There's still time to reverse all this, so if you truly care about her and still want her in your life, give her a call and tell her you want her back [img]smile.gif[/img]
Marvellous banter; I am bereft of ribs.
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