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Old 10-25-2003, 10:07 PM   #1
Sir Taliesin
Silver Dragon

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Knoxville, TN USA
Age: 61
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John D. is goning to be blue tomorrow!!! Bama lost to Tennessee in a 5 overtime game!!! The Final Score was 51-43. Casey Clausen was a warrior, actually running in one score in the fifth overtime and scoring only to have the officals call him down on the one inch line, which just happened to be what Tennessee needed for a first down. Clausen dived into the endzone on the next play! Then the Tennessee defense stopped Alabama on their last position. What a game!!!


[ 10-25-2003, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Sir Taliesin ]
Sir Taliesin<br /><br />Hello... Good bye.
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