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Old 10-25-2003, 04:11 PM   #6
Raistlin Majere

Join Date: March 26, 2002
Location: Finland
Age: 36
Posts: 2,323
mine would probably be my friends cat. now its not as it sounds, i didnt do it intentionally. after digging it out secretly, i just sort of flung it off the tip of my finger into a dark and dusty corner. too bad the cat had chosen that particular corner for a nap. i knew i had hit him accidently when he hissed and ran out of the corner with booger dangling from his ear. that led to an awkard situation...
If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One.

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
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