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Old 10-22-2003, 04:38 AM   #4

Join Date: August 8, 2003
Location: WC
Age: 39
Posts: 154
Wow, both of you guys give me an argument for "Yes, this is possible".

Azred, I know that paladin's don't neccesarily have to be evil when fallen, but the Sorcerer I plan on playing is.

Both of you guys' ideas are great! "he Paladin has become Fallen because he believes himself to have some sort of taint that would prevent his remaining a Paladin even though there actually is no taint (or that taint could be there, like Faceman said: "you wanted to surpress your evil magic by becoming a paladin and failed. Then you became fallen paladin and went straight back to sorcery."). That is, the character's irrational belief causes Fallen status, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

Wow. I can use one or the other or combine both.

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