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Old 09-24-2003, 07:04 PM   #2
Sir Kenyth
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: August 30, 2001
Location: somewhere
Age: 54
Posts: 1,785
Ham radio is a good hobby for computer geeks too! Local VHF/UHF repeaters that give hams access to chat around town are now able to link to other areas via the internet VoIP. It's actually very cheap to set up. $200 covers everything you need but the ISP and the radio equipment (Old PC, free Linux OS, free communication software, NIC, and sound card)! Since the radio equipment is already in place and most folks already have a network connection, the upgrade is pretty minimal. You are now able to chat around the world on an inexpensive handheld!
Master Barbsman and wielder of the razor wit!<br /><br />There are dark angels among us. They present themselves in shining raiment but there is, in their hearts, the blackness of the abyss.
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