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Old 09-10-2003, 06:17 AM   #23
Lord Ao

Join Date: September 11, 2001
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 2,061
Originally posted by SecretMaster:
Not to sure if i posted this thread before, my memory is foggy. But

About a week or two ago, I was buying Legos from toys-r-us. While waiting to pay, i decided to buy a huge twix bar. So we pay and leave, and I tear the wrapper off. Thats where I realized there was a prob, the twix didn't feel right. So i throw the wrapper out, and look at the twix. Now there is something really wrong. Instead of there being a nice brown coating of chocolate, there is this whitish chocolate. So what the hell, it can't be that bad, so I take a bite. And well, I really want to know how long the candy bar was sitting around. heck, the thing wasn't crunchy anymore, it was like mush, like a musketeer bar, stale cookie, and crappy chocolate all merged together. So I just finish one bar, with another huge one to go. I paid for it, I'm gonna eat it. So along the car ride home, I only finish half of the second one before realizing my stupidity. I didn't know which direction it was coming, but it was coming. I stopped eating that thing at that moment. I never got so sick so fast, and because of that experiance I will never eat a twix. Its so not in the mix.
It's called a "White Twix!"

It's a normal Twix, just with white chocolate.
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