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Old 09-08-2003, 03:37 PM   #20

Join Date: January 6, 2003
Location: NJ, USA
Age: 25
Posts: 550
1) Tell 'Y' to tell the cops that he'll have the answer by Wednesday.

2) Then tell 'X' "you have 24 hrs to turn yourself in to the police and take your punishment like a man. After that, 'Y' will turn you in...and if he doesn't, I Will." Don't listen to his rationalizations...they don't hold water.

3) Be with 'Y' Wednesday when he calls to give the details. (Y must do this, even if X has turned himself in already.)

You are out at this point & Y has done what he needed to do. As for X...he might be a man and settle this now...or he might run and make a larger disgrace of himself. But who he chooses to be at this point in his life is up to him.
<b>\"In the darkest hour theres a light that shines on every human being...but one!\"</b>
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