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Old 09-02-2003, 03:52 PM   #22
Bozos of Bones

Join Date: July 29, 2003
Location: The Underdark cavern of Zagreb
Age: 37
Posts: 4,679
Hmm... Let's see... I've coaxed people into drinking sea port water(a very clean and most drinkable type of water. when you drink it you grow a third arm), I've made people believe I'm older; when selecting my high school[we have three stages:school(1-8) high school(1-4) and finally college(1-4)] I entered a college and had gone through the whole enroll business with excuses like "I left my paper at home, but i can tell you my social security number, i know it." and "But I handed that document to the School Master." I vanished without a trace and a week ago i found out I WAS ACTUALLY ENROLLED!!! WHAT KIND OF CRAPPILY ORGANISED STATE I LIVE IN!? Next, I made old people believe their pet is dead, but I was young then. I even made myself dead for a few weeks(me and two of my friends knew i was alive) and that one was a blast. After that one I made a friend of mine, who was off to Austria during the winter, be dead for a week. It was very funny when he got home. Made a few practical jokes this year while on vacation but they are too long to tell. A well good laugh, dough!
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