Thread: Games...
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Old 08-28-2003, 04:53 PM   #29
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 2, 2002
Location: Canterbury, England
Age: 37
Posts: 5,817
My younger brother is thirteen. He plays GTAIII all the time, yet hasn't killed anyone or nicked a car. Nevertheless, I hear some truly disturbing comments from his room.

"Hey, Kyra, wanna see me kill an old granny?"

"Oi, Kyra, come watch me kill this kid!"

"HAH! I've stolen an ambulance and I'm running people over with it!"

So, the question is: Should we let him continue, because violent games make him less likely to actually start carjacking, or grandmother-killing, or should we take the game away? From the gusto of his comments, would he do what he enjoys in real-life? Or would he be a normal citizen?

(I have noticed his language has gotten worse since he started to play GTA and Soldier of Fortune. Oh, and his knowledge of the human anatomy.)

However, he also plays Baldur's Gate and other RPG's. Because of this, he is generally more vocabulary-gifted than other thirteen year olds. When he's not cussing, of course.

The wolf is as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.
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