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Old 08-28-2003, 09:17 PM   #20
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: January 2, 2003
Location: Big Castle in the Sky
Age: 37
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Originally posted by IAmThumper:
Oh man I can't stop laughing. I am sooooo NOT *cool*. Ah man my sides hurt. I am so not impressed with people that can multiply and divide either. I mean anyone can do it and half of them are using a calculator to do it.
Well, first you can drop the sarcasm if you're trying to prove a point. Second, not every person can do mathematics.

There's nothing wrong with PnP, it just opens your mind and allows your imagination to grow, it's one of the reasons why I've taken up to being a writer. As for poker and the like, I would rather be around some of my friends taking down a big dragon instead

Originally posted by IAmThumper:
And really practising math skills?!? At what grade level do you learn to add and subtract? better update my resume with has amazing math skills due to hours of playing the game AD&D!
COME ON! I used to play the game but HELLLOOOOOO! You have to be suffering serious denile if you can't see this!
I think you're being a wee bit picky. Would you rather have to do trigonometry to have a good time with a game? [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by IAmThumper:
I'm just explaining why its obvious how it gets a bad rap.
I've actually thought about taking it up again. I would but I have never been able to find a good group.
Such hypocrisy we are subjected to [img]tongue.gif[/img]

I'm not flaming or ranting, just trying to see why people think PnP is such a bad thing. Other products like the D&D movies don't help much either, there were only a total of four monsters in the D&D movie, four, bah. It was too moderately based I think.

I believe the main stereotype lies around that the only people that could play it are people who have no life. Nerds that sit at home, jam on their calculators, and play a game based outside of reality, what a load of crap [img]graemlins/laugh2.gif[/img] Most people who believe as such are usually narrowminded because they are quick to judge a game they never played, and since it has that label slapped on it, they probably never will. It is one of the best games on earth for a few reasons for me.

It never ends. I've been playing with my uncle for six years, over 35+ modules and the ability to broaden your characters is limitless, it's great. Remember, it's no different from playing Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate, only you have to figure out the math for yourself. Until you broaden your minds, you can't really learn to have fun in this game, until then young grasshoppers...

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