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Old 08-26-2003, 07:04 AM   #17

Join Date: November 1, 2002
Location: Australia ..... G\'day!
Posts: 6,123
Originally posted by IAmThumper:
There are some similarities that you could make with a D&D game and a poker game. Both are scheduled meetings with a group of friends.
The similarity with poker night ends at a group of guys(people) sitting around a table playing a game. PnP D&D is a group of guys(people) sitting around a table pretending to be wizards and warriors killing make believe monsters. Which would you consider more grown up playing cards or emulating seven year olds slaying dragons. And really practising math skills?!? At what grade level do you learn to add and subtract? better update my resume with has amazing math skills due to hours of playing the game AD&D!
COME ON! I used to play the game but HELLLOOOOOO! You have to be suffering serious denile if you can't see this!
(I'm going to get some serious flak from this aren't I? but before I do I'd like to say you asked!)
*cough* allow me

The best multipliers and dividers I have ever known where adults who play games (darts) and judging by the low standard of maths skills displayed by many sales people working without a wizzbang till, they should make D&D compulsory. [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Quote " Which would you consider more grown up playing cards or emulating seven year olds slaying dragons."

Who cares if you think I’m being a seven year old. I wish my old group of mates could gather around to loose ourselves in our imaginations again. One look at the evening news is surely enough reason to treat yourself to a few hours away from reality. One day you will be old enough and less *cool* enough to understand

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