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Old 09-07-2003, 04:15 PM   #197
Dungeon Master

Join Date: May 19, 2003
Location: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
Age: 50
Posts: 93
Here's my conclusion about this topic. It seem to me people are very quick to claim they are not sexist and don't believe women are inferior. Well if so, then why were some people so offended by my statement that women could be as strong and fight as well as men they had to argue for 4 page on this subject, sometimes with lots of emotions and going close to flaming? Is it really to correct a fact, or deep down is it really to defend a bruised male ego? I know I would not argue that much for something I don't really care about...
I not offended by the statement that women could be as strong as men! I offended that you insist I'm offended no matter what I say and because you brush off everything we've said by saying it's all due to a bruised male ego!

It seem to me that lots of men in our society claim not to be sexist, but what they are really saying is. "I'm willing to stop publicly saing women are inferior, but only as long as no one try claiming they are my equal."
I'm really annoyed that you would even say this! Listen to what you just said! "It seems to me" Where did you get this opinion?!? Who are you to say what men in our society think!

You keep saying you aren't calling anyone sexist but what do you call this!?

Maybe I'm wrong, but if so, then why do you all care so much? That's something worth thinking over, in my opinion. We humans are very good at deceiving ourselves.
I care because no one else will. If I don't stand up for my rights and what I think is right then no one else will!

I think what Thoran wrote (here) has perfectly summed up what I feel.

I spend hours writing each of my posts because I want to make my points clear and I spend as much time trying to understand the what and whys of other peoples posts. It seems you are just dismissing everything we say out of hand and I really don't see any more ways to get you to see our/my side of things. I don't see any reason to continue so this is my last reply on this topic.
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