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Old 08-21-2003, 11:24 PM   #55
Silver Dragon

Join Date: June 21, 2001
Location: Oakton, VA (summer) Boston, MA (...not summer...)
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Originally posted by Sakuri23:
I heard that Spirited Away was really good and i've been wanting to see it!

I was wondering if it was a good idea for the new Evangelion movie to be made that way, but I can't wait to see what they do with it.. I hope the Angels are going to be as good as I hope.

Does anyone like the anime currently on Cartoon Network (Kenshin and Yu-Yu Hak.)? I really got interested in them and I can't wait to see what happens in Kenshin. I always loved Samuri anime!

Also, Harkoliar, I love your picture! It looks like one of the main characters in a series i'm watching (Soul Taker). Is it the same or different? Where did you get it from? Sakuri
Its soooo good [img]smile.gif[/img] My sis owns it (lucky her :grumble: ) Not that I'm jealous or anything... heheh.

Well, this is my opinion on the new Evangelion movie.. either it's gonna be amazingly good or amazingly bad. The directors can either get the series right, or very wrong.

And I like the anime on Cartoon Network! Of course, I don't actually watch it on cartoon network... i like it subtitled rather than dubbed. ^^; Sakuri23, if you can get your hands on a subtitled version of Kenshin, do so! It adds more humour to it, if anything ^^ and ever read some of the Yu-Yu Hakusho manga? its good too :3

I'm gonna have to agree about /)eathkiller's skill. If only I had half that skill, or at least the computer power.. :sniffle: ah well.. guess I'll just have to mooch off /)eathkiller if I'm ever in dire need of a sig... (luv ya DK )
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