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Old 08-11-2003, 02:02 PM   #2
Drow Warrior

Join Date: February 25, 2003
Location: maryland
Age: 65
Posts: 276
Originally posted by RevRuby:
well some ppl know that morguerat and i are expecting, again! well we had our 20 week ultrasound today, and i claimed rights to posting baby's sex on here. unfortunately we have shy children. this is the second child we have had an ultrasound during sex telling time, that won't tell us! baby is curled up tight and facing my spine! anyway, baby is healthy, and dates are correct due dec 25/26. the heart beat is at 148 today, so that is about what most girls have, high for resting, but too high for most resting boys, so my prediction is a girl! anyway, just wanted to let y'all's know, i will now go back to lurking...ttyl!
Congratulations on a Holiday baby RevRuby!

Have you had the usual quesey ickey stomach? Picked out names?
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