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Old 07-13-2003, 10:59 AM   #10
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
Location: Utrecht The Netherlands
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Memnoch, i've been in the same kind of situation like you. I had a girlfriend that had that kind of effect on guys, ALL of them, just like the one you have now.

At first i felt like i had to build a wall around her to keep all the guys away, but you only make a fool of yourself when you do that. It's all up to Taryn in this case. What's her reaction to all these guys trying to get her attention ? Does she make it clear she has a boyfriend ?

You probably feel like you wanna crack some skulls every time you go out and things like that happen. Well, i know how you feel, but don't give in to that feeling. You'll be fighting an endless battle, cause next time you go out, others will be lining up, and the whole thing starts all over again. You just don't have girls like that completely for yourself when you go out. Unless you lock her up inside your house, better get used to it. These are things you can't moderate.
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