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Old 07-12-2003, 10:01 PM   #24
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
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Jerry Springer is a joke, and him trying to run for Senator is even a bigger joke. I'm actually surprised he has the balls to even try; maybe he thinks he gets so many ratings for his show all those viewers will vote for him. While many may view his show, I doubt the majority of them would vote for him, and trailer trash only counts for a certain low percent, and I'm counting on said trailer trash to either not vote at all, cause they never bother anyway, or if they do vote, will get frustrated and confused as to how to vote, i.e., "who's chad?" [img]tongue.gif[/img]

PS - Just for clarification, when I say "trailer trash" I am not demeaning anyone who lives in a trailer, but merely using it as the slang it has become for those freaks and weirdos who actually are on the show.

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