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Old 07-09-2003, 01:15 AM   #17
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 31, 2001
Location: The zephyr lands beneath the brine.
Age: 39
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It would be sufficient for now if the player wouldn't have to worry about all that. I too think it's possible to add a couple more animations for attacks and dodging and let the computer pick between them randomly much as it does now. But that'd only solve part of the problem. You'd still have the striking one at a time, you'd have combinations that don't make sense and so on.
The game could of course think a few blows in advance and that would let it select more sensible and realistic attacks, simultaneously.
That way, you could create a one-on-one fight with reasonably realistic graphics quite easily.

The trouble is that fighting grows more complex as more people join in, and when they start doing things other than swinging that weapon that makes it all the more difficult (not to mention that different weapons require different ways of striking and evading). Attacks from the from should be better avoidable than attacks from the side or rear, people shouldn't move into a piece of terrain while dodging, and so there are many other factors to take into account.

To include all that requires a lot of time and effort, simply because of the amount of detail you want to put in. And who is going to notice but those who are familliar with the weapons, and won't they find something else that's not quite right anyway?
In nearly all cases, it's simply not considered to be worth the effort. In that way, the circling left and right in NWN can be considered a great step forward compared to the static fighting in BG. Although it does look silly when the characters try to evade when 'fighting' a door or similar...
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