Thread: Bg2 vs ?
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:38 PM   #3

Join Date: June 13, 2001
Location: Northfield, NJ USA
Posts: 1,417
For Diablo-like gaming I suggest Westwood Studio's fun little game entitled NOX. It is from the year 2000 but you can still find it cheap. Also, I recommend Divine Divinity. The world is huge, filled with a main quest and tons of side quests, yet very much in the Diablo realm of a lot of fighting.

Icewind Dale is a major Dungeon Crawl with tons of fighting, but is a party type composition though many do solo the game. However, the very essence of IWD is Dungeons & Dragons in nature like BG1 and BG2. I'd start with BG1 myself to get the feel of the game and move on to BG2.
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