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Old 06-21-2003, 02:37 AM   #27
The Magister

Join Date: April 12, 2003
Location: Huntington Baech CA
Age: 70
Posts: 111
I've read some of the posts in here and the one thing I keep thinking about is something Epona said regarding what is and what isn't self defense. Maybe in this case the old man got what he deserved but this is an isolated case. Self defense is a pretty broad term when you think about it. Aside from the percieved threat aspect of the argument there is the question of what level of force are you allowed to use to defend yourself.

What if you were playing a friendly game of pool with your pals down at the local bar when suddendly the drunk across the room charges you. He has no weaons but is obviously intent on causing you serious bodily harm. Can you whack him in the head with your pool stick? (all ways use the thick end)Some people would argue no, because he didn't have a weapon you should have fought him with your bare hands. I think most would feel that you were justified in using the stick because you were stopping his assault and not malisciosly trying injure him. But what if he died as a result of his injury? Can you say manslaughter?

This might sound far fetched but it happens all the time. It's an extreme example so I'll give you another one. When was about 12yr's old mind friend Danny and were walking home from school when a much larger kid decided to beat up on Danny who was a skinny little dude. Being quite wise for our years we decided to flee. Unfortunately Danny was small AND slow. The guy catches up with Danny and they both go down. When Danny gets up he's swinging a Coke bottle (the old glass kind) which didn't break but did enough to cause our new friend to run off crying like a girl. Danny was very upset, I don't think he had ever hit anyone before in his life. He spent eight weeks in juvenile detention for that! There were people who testified that Danny had been attacked and tried to run away. Every one knew the other kid was bad news but I guess if you're not able to beatup the person who attacks you with his fist you just have hope he doesn't hurt you too bad. Nahh, that can't be right.

If some one attacks you with a Coke bottle do you have to look for a Coke bottle and duel it out or can you just shoot him? If some one breaks into your home do you have to wait until he tries to harm you or your family before you shoot them?

I don't own a gun but I should. Every home should have a gun in it just for such an occasion, as long as there is a responsible adult in charge. It can get pretty hairy out here in the wild wild West.

And to sum it all up...If you break into somebodies house and they shoot you, TOUGH S***!
\"I wouldn\'t belong to a group that would have some one like me as a member\"<br /> Groucho
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