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Dundee Slaytern 08-23-2008 09:45 AM

Various WoW Stuff
So it seems that the community is abuzz about the upcoming WotLK expansion. Meanwhile, my main has not even stepped one hoof into the Burning Crusade, and I will probably need to respec him soon. Every new session brings about something new though, and while for the most part I can get by, there are some things I wish to ask about.
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Even until now, I still have not installed a single mod but that might change soon. I wish to know if a mod exists where I can force the "!" signs to appear above the NPCs' heads even if I am considered too high-levelled for the quest. Pixel-hunting for quests in new zones is not a terribly fun experience.

Additionally, is there any mod that can help me modify the LFG system so that it does not remove instances from the options just because I have reached too high a level? Asking for a group for Uldaman when I have Maraudon listed in the system doesn't seem kosher.
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Playing Battlegrounds made me remember that no matter what game it is, most people are idiots, or possess the tactical sense of a rabid chicken. Ironclad law of being Human. :P
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I am currently building up a Prot-Warrior and I am wondering what should be my Primary Stats? I am currently thinking of Stamina, Agility and Strength in that order. Is this ideal? I was thinking of Stamina due to the HP boost, Agility for the additional Armour and Crit-chance. Strength helps out with DPS (for Aggro) and Shield Block.

If I focus more on Stamina and Agility, that would mean I would be focusing more on "of the Monkey" items. Is this advisable?
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My Warlock Tailor/Enchanter is a bleeding purse... Thank goodness my Main is a Herbalist/Alchemist.
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NEVER attempt to swim to the Badlands from Booty Bay.
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The Auction House is your friend. Learn to use it, love it, and profit. :D
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Lavindathar 08-23-2008 10:30 AM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
<font color="cyan">Well, not much you've asked really.

Firstly, if your main is a Prot Warrior, and he isn't even 60 yet, abandon your Warlock and get your Warrior to 70.

Secondly, addons are a must. You just can't play the game properly without them. And the two addons you have requested probably do exist, but as they are completely useless, they might not. If your too high a level, don't do the quest. Check out for the addons.

There are many addons which I deem essential - Omen Threatmeter being the main one as a Prot Warrior.

Then I think 99% of WoW players have the following addons -

Omen Threatmeter (you can see your own threat, and others on a mob. So you can see when to change targets etc or when someone is gonna overaggro)
Recount Damage Meter (not essential but nice - shows you damage done, taken, how you died, everything)
Atlas + Atlast Loot (shows you what loot drops where, faction rewards, badge rewards. lets you plan your gear).
Deadly Boss Mods (required for raiding) - timers for bosses
X-perl unitframes(UI mod) - (standard Blizz UI sucks. This lets you move stuff around how you want it. Plus 3d avatars w00t)
CTRA (raid assist mod) - needed for raiding
SCT (Scrolling Combat Text - awesome) - lets you move the damage txt, and messages, into easier read fonts and better places.
Pratt (allows you to modify the text windows)
Mob Info (detailed mob information) - shows mob hp etc, what they dropped in past.
Titan Bars - quick access to see cash, durability, location, co-ords
Auctioneer (if you want to make profit on the Auction House - records all auction house data so you can compare prices this week + 6months ago)
BasicMiniMap (for moving your map) - as blizz ui sucks. and its square
Big Brother (for seeing whats going on) - shows MD's etc
Carbonite (quest mod) - awesome for levelling. Shwos you everything
ElkBuffbars (easy to see buffs in a nice bar format. Instead of Blizz's rubbish squares)
Gatherer (essential if your a herbalist/miner) - records all previous node data
Lightheaded (another good quest mod) - txt version of wowhead comments regarding quests
Outfitter (gear swapping mod) - swaps full outfitrs at click of a button
ManyItemTooltips (really nice little tooltip mod) - lets you open more than one tooltip at once. awesome for comparing stuff.
TipTac (another awesome tooltip mod) - lets you move tooltips
Floating Buttons - lets you move minimap buttons.

And theres more.

Now I know that may seem a lot, but if you want to raid or do instances at 60+ and play to the best you can be, you need the addons. Basic WoW setup just doesn't allow you to do it, Addons are the only way. For example, you might say - why would I need outfitter to change my gear.

The instances at 60 change. They aren't like pre 60. And if you dont have these addons, as the tank is, erm, kinda important, you will die lots, causing your group to hate you, and gradually your repuation will just end up in the ground.

Say your OTing a boss, the main tank dies. your in DPS gear, with one click of a button you can equip your sword and shield instantly when you change to Defensive Stance. It's all automated. Without it, you have to change to Defensive stance, open the bags and inventory window, then drag your sword and sheild in seperately. This will take 5 seconsd or so, at which point the boss has probably one-shotted you.

Now, as a Protection Warrior. I don't know what level you are, so it will differ.

As a 70 warrior, you want Stamina. All about le stamina. But also defence rating. 490 makes you crit immune, this is needed to tank. So those are your first two stats. Then there is Dodge/Parry/Block. These are what you want to build up next.

Agility and Strength are minor prot stats. No good having high strenght/agi for threat, if you have really low avoidance and mobs land every hit. You'll just die.

Out of those addons I listed, download them one at a time, install them one at a time, so you can see what each one does. Each addon takes maybe 2mins to learn once setup. You will thank me later.

And sorry for being vauge, in a rush. If you want specific answers, ask a specific question and I'll try to help.</font>

Memnoch 08-23-2008 09:11 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff

Originally Posted by Dundee Slaytern (Post 1213576)
So it seems that the community is abuzz about the upcoming WotLK expansion. Meanwhile, my main has not even stepped one hoof into the Burning Crusade, and I will probably need to respec him soon. Every new session brings about something new though, and while for the most part I can get by, there are some things I wish to ask about.
~~~~ ~~~~

Good to see you enjoying yourself mate!


Even until now, I still have not installed a single mod but that might change soon. I wish to know if a mod exists where I can force the "!" signs to appear above the NPCs' heads even if I am considered too high-levelled for the quest. Pixel-hunting for quests in new zones is not a terribly fun experience.
You definitely need to install some mods to be more efficient. Lavi gave some great ones above. The main ones I use are:

- QuestHelper - great for helping you with quests. I think this can be set up to show grey quests as well.
- X-Perl Frames - just looks prettier (IMO) and helps with group management
- Deadly Boss Mods - helps with instances and flag timers for PvP
- Omen - helps with instances and raids by showing how much threat you're generating
- Recount - helps you statistically analyse your performance in terms of healing, dps, damage taken, etc.
- Titan Panel - all round useful by having a little bar at the top and bottom of your screen with useful info
- Auctioneer - a must have if you want to maximise your AH performances
- Gatherer - if you are mining/herbalist it will make it so much easier by recording where the nodes are
- EnemyNaturCastBar - helps you in pvp by showing cooldowns from both your group and enemy players

I have a few more but they are more dps-specific.

You can get these from


Additionally, is there any mod that can help me modify the LFG system so that it does not remove instances from the options just because I have reached too high a level? Asking for a group for Uldaman when I have Maraudon listed in the system doesn't seem kosher.
~~~~ ~~~~
Not sure about this, unfortunately.


Playing Battlegrounds made me remember that no matter what game it is, most people are idiots, or possess the tactical sense of a rabid chicken. Ironclad law of being Human. :P
~~~~ ~~~~
LOL. My ongoing BG experiences (from level 39 up to 69 I think) are documented below.

Basically, I have had the best success in groups that communicate well. How well your faction does seems to depend upon your battlegroup as some battlegroups Horde always do well in AB while others Alliance do well. Take the lead in communicating - eg. in AV ask for buffs/buff people before the start (costs no mana) and keep communicating asking people to call incs to flags, etc. Be prepared to change plans if needed as conditions on the ground are always fluid. Always have 1 or 2 people at each node to call incs and be situationally aware.

I love BGs though - once you get the hand of them, they are awesome.


I am currently building up a Prot-Warrior and I am wondering what should be my Primary Stats? I am currently thinking of Stamina, Agility and Strength in that order. Is this ideal? I was thinking of Stamina due to the HP boost, Agility for the additional Armour and Crit-chance. Strength helps out with DPS (for Aggro) and Shield Block.

If I focus more on Stamina and Agility, that would mean I would be focusing more on "of the Monkey" items. Is this advisable?
~~~~ ~~~~
I don't really have a Prot warrior (I have an Arms/Fury one) but generally Sta is pretty important, depending on your level. What level are you targetting?


My Warlock Tailor/Enchanter is a bleeding purse... Thank goodness my Main is a Herbalist/Alchemist.
~~~~ ~~~~
Enchanting and Engineering are pretty expensive - I have a 300 Enchanter and it cost a fortune to skill him up. What you want is a high level toon farming greens and blues for you to disenchant as disenchanting can make you some decent money. As for Herbalism, get Gatherer as it will really help. It's a bit of a grind though with most of these gathering professions.


NEVER attempt to swim to the Badlands from Booty Bay.
~~~~ ~~~~
LOL I take it you either drowned or ran into a high level mob. :D


The Auction House is your friend. Learn to use it, love it, and profit. :D
~~~~ ~~~~
Dude, you will seriously profit so much more if you use Auctioneer/Auctioneer Pro. At your level, I was making some seriously decent money (50g or so) a week just by devoting 30mins of my time buying undervalued items and resellng them for their true value.

Anyway, glad to see you're enjoying yourself mate. Ask for advice from people here - there's a huge amount of knowledge from the guys here. :D

Dundee Slaytern 08-24-2008 08:00 AM

Re: Various WoW Stuff

Originally Posted by Lavindathar (Post 1213580)
Well, not much you've asked really.

Firstly, if your main is a Prot Warrior, and he isn't even 60 yet, abandon your Warlock and get your Warrior to 70.

My Prot-Warrior is a new alt actually. :)


Secondly, addons are a must. You just can't play the game properly without them. And the two addons you have requested probably do exist, but as they are completely useless, they might not. If your too high a level, don't do the quest. Check out for the addons.

There are many addons which I deem essential - Omen Threatmeter being the main one as a Prot Warrior.

Then I think 99% of WoW players have the following addons -

Omen Threatmeter (you can see your own threat, and others on a mob. So you can see when to change targets etc or when someone is gonna overaggro)
Recount Damage Meter (not essential but nice - shows you damage done, taken, how you died, everything)
Atlas + Atlast Loot (shows you what loot drops where, faction rewards, badge rewards. lets you plan your gear).
Deadly Boss Mods (required for raiding) - timers for bosses
X-perl unitframes(UI mod) - (standard Blizz UI sucks. This lets you move stuff around how you want it. Plus 3d avatars w00t)
CTRA (raid assist mod) - needed for raiding
SCT (Scrolling Combat Text - awesome) - lets you move the damage txt, and messages, into easier read fonts and better places.
Pratt (allows you to modify the text windows)
Mob Info (detailed mob information) - shows mob hp etc, what they dropped in past.
Titan Bars - quick access to see cash, durability, location, co-ords
Auctioneer (if you want to make profit on the Auction House - records all auction house data so you can compare prices this week + 6months ago)
BasicMiniMap (for moving your map) - as blizz ui sucks. and its square
Big Brother (for seeing whats going on) - shows MD's etc
Carbonite (quest mod) - awesome for levelling. Shwos you everything
ElkBuffbars (easy to see buffs in a nice bar format. Instead of Blizz's rubbish squares)
Gatherer (essential if your a herbalist/miner) - records all previous node data
Lightheaded (another good quest mod) - txt version of wowhead comments regarding quests
Outfitter (gear swapping mod) - swaps full outfitrs at click of a button
ManyItemTooltips (really nice little tooltip mod) - lets you open more than one tooltip at once. awesome for comparing stuff.
TipTac (another awesome tooltip mod) - lets you move tooltips
Floating Buttons - lets you move minimap buttons.

And theres more.

Now I know that may seem a lot, but if you want to raid or do instances at 60+ and play to the best you can be, you need the addons. Basic WoW setup just doesn't allow you to do it, Addons are the only way. For example, you might say - why would I need outfitter to change my gear.

The instances at 60 change. They aren't like pre 60. And if you dont have these addons, as the tank is, erm, kinda important, you will die lots, causing your group to hate you, and gradually your repuation will just end up in the ground.

Say your OTing a boss, the main tank dies. your in DPS gear, with one click of a button you can equip your sword and shield instantly when you change to Defensive Stance. It's all automated. Without it, you have to change to Defensive stance, open the bags and inventory window, then drag your sword and sheild in seperately. This will take 5 seconsd or so, at which point the boss has probably one-shotted you.

Now, as a Protection Warrior. I don't know what level you are, so it will differ.

As a 70 warrior, you want Stamina. All about le stamina. But also defence rating. 490 makes you crit immune, this is needed to tank. So those are your first two stats. Then there is Dodge/Parry/Block. These are what you want to build up next.

Agility and Strength are minor prot stats. No good having high strenght/agi for threat, if you have really low avoidance and mobs land every hit. You'll just die.

Out of those addons I listed, download them one at a time, install them one at a time, so you can see what each one does. Each addon takes maybe 2mins to learn once setup. You will thank me later.

And sorry for being vauge, in a rush. If you want specific answers, ask a specific question and I'll try to help.
I beg to differ here a little actually. :) I am not playing WoW for hardcore reasons, but for casual play and fun. Any addons I decide to install, if any, will be to better facilitate my <i>personal</i> enjoyment of the game. Which was why I was quite specific in what kind of mods I wanted. I have no need for mob info, aggro-meters, etc...

I mean, I have reached this far without addons, the game can't possibly be that broken for casual players like me. Oh, and I can swap items when changing stances with one click/button too. Macros do exist, and I am using them quite extensively.


Originally Posted by Memnoch (Post 1213612)
Good to see you enjoying yourself mate!

You definitely need to install some mods to be more efficient. Lavi gave some great ones above. The main ones I use are:

- QuestHelper - great for helping you with quests. I think this can be set up to show grey quests as well.
- X-Perl Frames - just looks prettier (IMO) and helps with group management
- Deadly Boss Mods - helps with instances and flag timers for PvP
- Omen - helps with instances and raids by showing how much threat you're generating
- Recount - helps you statistically analyse your performance in terms of healing, dps, damage taken, etc.
- Titan Panel - all round useful by having a little bar at the top and bottom of your screen with useful info
- Auctioneer - a must have if you want to maximise your AH performances
- Gatherer - if you are mining/herbalist it will make it so much easier by recording where the nodes are
- EnemyNaturCastBar - helps you in pvp by showing cooldowns from both your group and enemy players

I have a few more but they are more dps-specific.

You can get these from

Not sure about this, unfortunately.

LOL. My ongoing BG experiences (from level 39 up to 69 I think) are documented below.

Basically, I have had the best success in groups that communicate well. How well your faction does seems to depend upon your battlegroup as some battlegroups Horde always do well in AB while others Alliance do well. Take the lead in communicating - eg. in AV ask for buffs/buff people before the start (costs no mana) and keep communicating asking people to call incs to flags, etc. Be prepared to change plans if needed as conditions on the ground are always fluid. Always have 1 or 2 people at each node to call incs and be situationally aware.

I love BGs though - once you get the hand of them, they are awesome.

I love them too, warts and all. :P My record so far is about a loss to every 3 victories or so. Most of the victories are not due to cunning or guile though, but because our side just happened to have bigger sticks than the Alliance. :P

And yeah, I do "scream" a lot in the BG-channel in an attempt to shove some sense into their thick skulls on what's actually important in CTF and BF-type games. My middle finger doesn't give a damn if you have the highest killcount if we're losing the match.


I don't really have a Prot warrior (I have an Arms/Fury one) but generally Sta is pretty important, depending on your level. What level are you targetting?
All the way to 70.


Enchanting and Engineering are pretty expensive - I have a 300 Enchanter and it cost a fortune to skill him up. What you want is a high level toon farming greens and blues for you to disenchant as disenchanting can make you some decent money. As for Herbalism, get Gatherer as it will really help. It's a bit of a grind though with most of these gathering professions.
My approach to gathering has been one of "C'est la vie". I don't plan on grinding for anything in World of Warcraft as there is far too much to explore and discover for me to waste time grinding for materials. If it comes, so be it. If not, so be it.


LOL I take it you either drowned or ran into a high level mob. :D
Neither, I just ended up wasting half-an-hour of my life doing nothing but swimming. I went swimming because I thought I could avoid the Alliance this way, only to realise to my horror that the entire coastline was lined by impenetrable mountains.


Dude, you will seriously profit so much more if you use Auctioneer/Auctioneer Pro. At your level, I was making some seriously decent money (50g or so) a week just by devoting 30mins of my time buying undervalued items and resellng them for their true value.

Anyway, glad to see you're enjoying yourself mate. Ask for advice from people here - there's a huge amount of knowledge from the guys here. :D
"C'est la vie" is my motto in this case. ^^;

I am making about 30-50g per session with my main, spending maybe 10-15mins tops at the AH. While Auctioneer may help increase my profits, I am not playing World of Wallstreet here. ^^; Through personal observation and steady recording on pen and paper, I have already identified multiple methods on how to buy low and sell high fast (VERY fast in some case). I won't say which mats are going for too low though, because I am paranoid people might wise up and jack up the prices. ^^;

I will say this much though... on Lightninghoof, the usefulness of potions masks the cheapness of the mats needed to make them.

Also, from time to time, "innocents" will unwittingly sell extremely high-valued items for absurdly low prices. It does not need to happen often, about once a week is enough to fuel a profit that can make one laugh all the way to the bank. :lol:


Lavindathar 08-24-2008 09:17 AM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
<font color="cyan">If you're using pen and paper, just get auctioneer, far faster, all automated, records data from the moment you install it until, well forever. Takes 30secs lol.

And with regards to the addons, you are wrong.

WoW IS broke to casual players.

It's REALLY broke if you want a Protection Warrior. You won't be able to do it without Omen. Not without your group wiping 100 times. Same goes if you level your warlock. You'll just overnuke and die. Another one is DBM. It is needed. If you're tanking a boss, and he say has a shear attack, you need to know when that attack is coming. With the addon, you get a timer, can prepare Shield Block, be fine. Without addon, shear hits you, you dont shield block in time, you die.

The problem with WoW is this :

For casual players, the game ENDS at 70.
For harder players, the game STARTS at 70.

I have many alts now, and i just solo level as fast as I can to 70 so I can raid or PvP. if your casual, once you hit 70, if your not raiding, your basically wasting your time in crappy instances that hardly anyone runs anymore, or spamming BG's.

My advice to you is, get a few addons, and start learning how they work. You have nothing to lose.

Tbh mate, I don't care if you use addons or not, I'm just stating a fact. WoW is broke without addons. Why do you think Blizz lets them be used? Because it saves them implementing an awful lot of stuf...and they've already stated they are making a deal with the authors of omen, to have it incorporated officially into Wrath. Also rumour that DBM will be encorporated officially into Wrath. Although those are the only two addons Ive heard of yet that Blizzard is buying out to put into the EXP. Although its not been seen on the Beta yet, it may not be happening.

Most of the addons I listed aren't essential, mainly cosmetic to make the game more fun, prettier on the eyes. Standard Blizz UI sucks, so with the above addons me and Mem listed, you create your own UI exactly how you want it.</font>

Memnoch 08-24-2008 06:34 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
I have to agree with Lav, Dundee. Once you start running instances things like holding aggro and generating threat are so important, whether you are RPing or not. Unless you're with a similar casual group who doesn't care if you wipe or not, it's very much suggested you get some tools to aid you in your roleplaying. The tools/addons do not detract from the gaming experience as you can incorporate your behaviour changes into your roleplaying (eg when you lose threat you can say "dear friends, please hold back your attacks for a moment!" or something like that).

You can kind of get away with it up until level 50 or so, then when you go into the bigger Old World raids like UBRS or something you will likely be paired with guys who want to level up to 60 as quick as they can so they can get access to Outland through the Dark Portal, and will not appreciate having to play 20g+ for repairs due to constant wipes. Wipes do cost money and they annoy people. The problem is at the higher levels, you can get one or two shotted by bosses, even if you are tank spec. As a tank you're a central part of the group/raid - if other dps die the group may yet succeed, but if the tank or healer/s die you're pretty much screwed.

Addons don't make it ez-mode - they just make you more efficient. For example, Quest Helper just tells you which general direction to go (like Oblivion if you've played that). Recount, if you're not planning to analyse your healing or DPS performance you probably don't need. X=Perl - if nothing else it will make your UI way prettier and more dynamic. And Auctioneer will basically do all the stuff you are doing manually, automatically. It will save you up to 2 1/2 hours worth of time in the AH each week - time you can use to run instances, meet new people, etc. Many casual players use add-ons to improving their gaming experience. Think of it that way. :)

Kakero 08-24-2008 10:42 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
Nothing much to add really since lav and mem makes good posts.


NEVER attempt to swim to the Badlands from Booty Bay
I've swam all over the continent. You should try it. You'll find some interesting places that baffles explanation.


Also, from time to time, "innocents" will unwittingly sell extremely high-valued items for absurdly low prices. It does not need to happen often, about once a week is enough to fuel a profit that can make one laugh all the way to the bank
I am one of the innocents then. :p Why I sell low? Because I want fast cash. I hate being tie up with something. That's why all my items are generally sold after an hour or two after being put up in AH. It makes me a happy man.

Dundee Slaytern 08-26-2008 03:59 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
Well, all right. After some consideration, I have installed 3 add-ons. Auctioneer, CarboniteQuest and Gatherer. Gatherer is pretty straightforward, and CarboniteQuest took some tweaking with the settings before I was comfortable with it. Auctioneer however, has been a case of information overload. I believe I know what I am going to be doing this weekend... spend a few hours to "RTFM", because seriously, I don't think I even understand what 90% of the stuff in Auctioneer is suppose to mean to me. As I said before, I am not planning to play World of Wallstreet here, I just want some basic info, that's all.
~~~~ ~~~~

During one run in Maraudon, our group came across a cliff where we could jump off from to avoid the multiple spawns on the long winding path down.

The Tank-Paladin jumped.
I jumped. (Enh-Shaman)
Hunter A jumped.
Healer-Druid jumped.
Hunter B jumped.
Hunter B's pet ran along the path and aggroed every single creep along the way. ALL. OF. THEM.

You know those moments in a game when you realise no matter what you do, you're going to be f***ed anyway? The Paly saw the wave of doom approaching, cast a bubble on me, saluted me (yay for emotes :P), and died approximately 5 seconds later, along with the rest of the party. Leaving me to watch helplessly on as everybody got tentacled-whipped to death by 30+ barbed sentient plants and Satyrs.

Fortunately for Hunter B, our group was pretty easy-going and we didn't push the issue much other than to firmly instruct him that he needed to shove his pet UP HIS A** the next time we needed to jump from somewhere.
~~~~ ~~~~

Now that I have dinged 50 with my main, I finally find myself in the position of being regarded by other players with healthy caution, versus in the pass when my Lvl-20-30 was being ganked by the Alliance on a regular basis.

I can finally like, quest next to an Alliance player and not worry too much that I will see a spinning pink twirl around my head in the next five minutes. :P The other cool thing about being at this level is that I can finally help defend my fellow Horde mates from cheeky Alliance players.
~~~~ ~~~~


Memnoch 08-26-2008 05:26 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff

Originally Posted by Dundee Slaytern (Post 1213944)
Well, all right. After some consideration, I have installed 3 add-ons. Auctioneer, CarboniteQuest and Gatherer. Gatherer is pretty straightforward, and CarboniteQuest took some tweaking with the settings before I was comfortable with it. Auctioneer however, has been a case of information overload. I believe I know what I am going to be doing this weekend... spend a few hours to "RTFM", because seriously, I don't think I even understand what 90% of the stuff in Auctioneer is suppose to mean to me. As I said before, I am not planning to play World of Wallstreet here, I just want some basic info, that's all.

It's actually really easy - basically you click Scan to update the Auctioneer database, and that's it. This will give you a tooltip that provides info on mean, max, starting, min historical prices for that item. The more regularly you scan the better info you have over time.

Appraise basically is an easy way for you to sell stuff, rather than pulling items from your inventory to the Post Auction screen.

I think there's one called Bottom Feeder in my version which alerts you to items that are significantly undervalued so that you can buy them and resell.

That's basically what I use.

As for this:


You know those moments in a game when you realise no matter what you do, you're going to be f***ed anyway? The Paly saw the wave of doom approaching, cast a bubble on me, saluted me (yay for emotes :P), and died approximately 5 seconds later, along with the rest of the party. Leaving me to watch helplessly on as everybody got tentacled-whipped to death by 30+ barbed sentient plants and Satyrs.
At least he was smart. Ancestral Spirit FTW!

Lavindathar 08-26-2008 08:06 PM

Re: Various WoW Stuff
<font color="cyan">Auctioneer is the most complex mod out there, jsut so you know.

But I only use scan, once a day, then I can check historical prices just by hovering over an item. Appraiser is good if your selling lots of stuff. The rest I dont use.

But get Deadly Boss Mods and Omen. And Atlas Loot + Atlas.

Dundee, post a pic of your UI so I can see standard UI, its been a long time. And me and mem can post pics of our UI's so you can see how much better stuff looks using Xperl etc..</font>

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