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Katherine 04-06-2002 08:09 AM

I made an experimental dish tonight and it turned out pretty so-so. That got me to thinking about the worst thing I'd ever made.

Being a strict vegetarian from age 17 till 30 (currently 32 and a fallen vegetarian who now eats fish!), I had to come up with some new dishes to keep things interesting. I used to cook on instinct and came up with some great stuff, but once in a while, I'd make soemthing that just turned out BAD!

The worst thing I ever prepared has to be the tofu banana curry I made last summer. I'd made this dish before years ago and it was delicious, but this time, things went terribly wrong.

The first thing I did wrong was to use a yellow curry powder I never tried before. I used it liberally in the coconut milk as it seemed a little bland. In actuality, the heat was building up.

The next mistake I made was using thai peppers out of my dad's garden without trying them first. He gives me peppers every year when his harvest comes in and that year was no exception. Well, the thai peppers he gives me are usually mild/medium heat. That wasn't the case with this crop- they were HOT-HOT-HOT! I used no less than 5 thai peppers and 1 red jalapeno in the curry. My boyfriend and I like spicy stuff so I figured this would give it the kick we wanted.

When I served the dish, it looked great- nice chunks of tofu and slivers of banana in curry over basmati rice. As we started to eat it, the heat built up and by the third bite, we were both starting to sweat. He went on for a few more bites until he was panting and had to run to the kitchen for something to drink.
It wasn't just hot, it was inedibly hot. We tried to salavage the dish by thinning out the curry sauce, but there was no way. I had created something toxic.

What was the worst dish you've ever made?

AliCat 04-06-2002 06:10 PM

My mother started each of us kids cooking dinner once a week when I was about 12 years old. Somewhere in the teenage years, I ended up cooking a meal for the family plus my stepsister and stepbrother. I'd picked this recipe out of a cookbook and followed the directions scrupulously, but it was pretty awful. Naturally, the cook gets the blame, not the cookbook author!! They've never let me live it down. It was some kind of dish where bread was done up like French toast, and then with some kind of ketchup mixture on it, and baked in the oven. It was hideous!

Katherine 04-06-2002 06:48 PM

french toast and ketchup? lol

My friend once made what I consider to be the strangest dish I'd ever seen. She had made a trip to Costco a week or two prior and had bought bananas, ricotto cheese and sweet and low in abundance. Well, she decided that she'd better use them all up beofre they went bad...

60 minutes later, there was a ricotta banana pie sweetened with sweet and low! She tried to pretend it wasn't horrible for one slice so I'd try it.

SSJ4Sephiroth 04-08-2002 11:14 PM

oh, anything that has to be cooked is my worst dish!

adam warlock 04-13-2002 08:04 AM

I tried to make orange chicken but it failed ...

Moni 04-13-2002 02:08 PM

Do cookies count?
When I was 7, I made my very first batch of cookies and took out a tooth when I tried to bite into one.
My siblings took them and used them for ammo in a backyard brawl.

Katherine 04-13-2002 07:15 PM


Originally posted by Moni:
Do cookies count?
Funny cookie story.

I just looked at your web site- you're awesome! Very cute kitties and puppies.

Moni 04-13-2002 09:03 PM

I am glad you liked is totally true and still a source of laughter in our family, esp among my older siblings. :D

Thank you for taking a look at my site and thank you for saying I am awesome. I am all blushing now lol...we just do what we can. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Pangur Ban 04-15-2002 08:28 AM

Worst concoction I ever created was a pot of vegetable soup. (Well, it started off as vegetable soup ....)

After cooking it, I turned off the heat while I went shopping. I got back about 3 hrs later, I could smell something was wrong as soon as I opened the front door. The soup had cooled down, but it was bubbling all by itself - it was fermenting !! One of the ingredients must have had rot, mould or fungus of some sort ..

The stench was amazing !! ( Somewhat akin to rotting lentils mixed with compost, anchovies, and fresh dog droppings )

I dumped half a bottle of germicide in it, followed by a bottle of aromatherpy oil. It didn't help. Not one bit. Actually made it worse.

I wrapped a cloth over my nose and dumped the lot down the sink, then went off to be violently ill. [img]graemlins/2puke.gif[/img]

It took two days to flush the stench out of the house. Just as well I lived alone at the time, and had no visitors that week ....

The soup pot had to get thrown out as well.

Sorcerer Alex 04-15-2002 03:27 PM

I tried to make lasagne once, but it turned out looking like a few pathetic noodles floating in tomato soup. I forgot the bolognaise, so it was far too runny and it therefore looked utterly unappatizing. I gave it to the cat but he wouldn't have it either so I chucked it down the toilet. Quite sad really, but such are culinary tragedies.

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