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Larry_OHF 10-21-2004 02:25 PM

<font color=skyblue>I was listening to this woman talking about a potential assault on her life by radio waves. She said taht a few years ago, she was a witness in a federal grand jury trial. After that, things started happening around her house. She said that plants dyed, like they had been fried up, and she also currently suffers a small almost unnoticeable amount of pain at certain times of the day that last like three seconds each. She was advised by a friend that maybe radio waves were causing it, so she spent $600 on a frequency detector. What it showed her confirmed a suspicion. She was recording regular intervals of a radio frequency at 163.25 on her property, but not outside the property lines. Taking advice from others, she removed all things from her house that might be causing something like this, such as satellite dish, microwave, etc. She still has the problem. She called the FCC, but they cannot locate a problem.

What do you guys think?</font>

armageddon272 10-21-2004 02:56 PM

wow, thats spooky. perhaps some smart guy got pissed off and is using a very sophisticated form of revenge. it sounds like something a russian would do (we are a very crafty people)

Seraph 10-21-2004 04:27 PM

163.25? 163.25 what? Hz, MHz, kHz, something else?

163.25 MHz the visual carrier for cable channel 21, assuming it is 162.25 MHz I would suspect two things:
1) If it could cause problems like that, someone would have noticed before.
2) That the source of the signal has something to do with cable TV.

[ 10-21-2004, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Seraph ]

Harkoliar 10-21-2004 11:37 PM

wierd if you ask me.. ghost maybe ??

shadowhound 10-22-2004 01:38 AM

Hmm, microwaves trying to kill people... televisions sending SOS signals...

Technology is turning against us, prepare for the Matrix :D

Lucern 10-22-2004 01:54 AM

I've read something similar, and I'm not saying this is the case, but the person was convinced that she was being targetted as a human test subject by some sort of electromagnetic weapon. She had a form of paranoid-schizophrenia, and it was in a psychlology text.

Not to say this case is the same, just reminded me of that.

Luvian 10-22-2004 04:12 AM

Yes, that kind of people usually jump right to unproven, almost impossible conspiracy theories or other such nonsense instead of starting with the possible scientifical facts...

Just see what she's thinking. She immediatly linked it to the time she was in a jury years ago, that's a sign of paranoia right there.

I bet in her life she's convinced she's being harrased for that, and it did not start with the radio wave problem of hers. She probably build herself a world of conspiracy around her jury experience.

You know, she's getting some radio signals, so of course it can't be faulty hardware, or even a bad satelite signal, it has to do with some random time she was in a jury years ago...

Kakero 10-22-2004 05:00 AM

I think she's just paranoid. even the FCC can't find the problem. The problem may be somewhere else. Like from herself.

Sir Kenyth 10-22-2004 03:04 PM

Does anyone realize the amount of wattage it takes to even make a 162 Mhz VHF signal dangerous? She would have to be right next to a high power transmitter. That kind of RF field would blow or saturate a sensitive radio receiver. Not only that, RF energy does not penetrates things (lkike people) as effectively as everyone thinks. RF energy bounces around off things a lot! That's not surprising as it's not some mysterious energy. It's the same exact stuff that light is made of, only at an exponentially lower energetic state. In order for EM energy to go through a physical object it has to have openings physically the size of the frequencies wavelength. Even microwaves are stopped by a mesh of metal screen like the one in your microwave door. The wavelength of multi-Ghz microwaves is expressed in millimeters. The wavelength of 162 Mhz is approximately a little less than 2 Meters. If you've got a two meter opening in your body, you've got more important things to worry about than RF conspiracies. The primary dangers at this frequency is first degree burning of the skin and eyes and static charge build up in ungrounded metal items. The amount of power a transmitter requires to do that is at least in the multi-Kilowatt range with prolonged exposure. The electric company would surely take notice.

johnny 10-22-2004 04:29 PM

600 on a radio frequencer.... okay.... but did she also mention the 200 she spent on LSD ?

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