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uss 04-25-2004 03:52 PM

How to fight against a 39.2 degrees of illness?

Sorry for not writing a long post, but my pupils and head ache like hell and thinking makes it worse.

Stratos 04-25-2004 04:36 PM


Jaradu 04-25-2004 05:03 PM

Hope you feel better soon :(

Melusine 04-25-2004 05:25 PM

Drikn lots and lots and lots (water, orange juice, broth) because when you have a fever, you lose fluids. Hot broth is also good because it's salty. Apart from that, sleep, sleep as much as you can and certainly don't post on Internet forums. Lie in bed, keep warm and rest. Take some painkillers for the pain and if the fever rises even higher or lasts too long, call a doctor.
Hope you feel better soon! [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 04-25-2004, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Melusine ]

Vailynn 04-25-2004 06:49 PM

You need plenty of fluids! Sports drinks, like Gatorade or Powerade, are best because they have essential electrolytes in them that your body needs right now. Fever depletes the body of fluids, so you need to rehydrate your body. Staying well-hydrated will help reduce the fever and help keep up your energy levels. Aside from that, you should get plenty of rest! Where I work, we usually recommend that you come in to see a doctor if your fever lasts more than 48 hours and/or you have any other symptoms.

Hope you're feeling better soon! [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 04-25-2004, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Vailynn ]

Bungleau 04-26-2004 12:23 AM

Rest and fluids are important, for sure.

You may also consider acetominophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofin (Motrin). They are fever reducers (and they've both worked wonders on my kids). Motrin is a little longer-lasting (6 hours vs. 4).

Did I mention rest? It deserves to be said twice...

SpiritWarrior 04-26-2004 01:28 AM

Sounds like a flu-ish virus since you have eyestrain.

uss 04-26-2004 01:41 AM

Thanks, everybody. [img]smile.gif[/img] I wrote this post just before I went to sleep yesterday. Now I woke up and have a fever of only 37.7. :eek: I still am slightly ill, but this is nothing compared to what I felt yesterday.

I drank lots and lots of tea and water. I also added quite a bit of citron juice into the tea, and ate this very sour fruit called(according to a dictionary) 'sea buckthorn' in English, for Vitamin C. During the whole day, I ate a maximum of 7 spoonfuls of honey. I also went to the sauna but I drank LOTS before that.

I avoided the usage of any pills, tablets, capsules and such. When I previoulsy had illness(Winter 2002), I ate various pills everyday, which were all recommended by my parents. Needless to say, it was a mistake. I believe it even made things worse.

Anyway, all's well, and I'll be getting up again soon, if I keep drinking.

Thanks. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Illumina Drathiran'ar 04-26-2004 02:19 AM

Keep yourself hydrated and rested. Tea works well, as does Gatorade.
In fact... An herbal tea that works quite well is ginger ::flinches::

Xen 04-26-2004 07:22 AM

I had 41.2 fever last year. Filled the thub with COLD wather and layed there for 15 mins and that cooled me down for a while. The bad thing was I was delusionall as hell.

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