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Gabrielles blades 02-23-2004 05:43 PM

Mmmm, so im lazy
im sick of shaving, and so researched a bunch of ways people use to remove hair temporarily or permanently

Decided that though the permanent solutions (laser/electrolysis) sound good, im not sure i wont want hair someday.

Theres shaving, which i do now...and probably will continue doing
and then theres a bunch of fairly painful options like tweezing, waxing etc. which i wont even try since i have a low tolerance for pain.
then theres those cream types (like nair)

So...what im basically asking is for a recommendation on a product for shaving or cream to remove. right now i use an electric shaver, but my skin always feels very irritated afterwards and i often get tiny pinprick cuts.

Timber Loftis 02-23-2004 05:55 PM

Just so you know, the permanent procedures are expensive. The "no hairs" proceedure at Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, for instance, costs about $3-4,000 for the face, $7,000 for the back, and I didn't check the price on "special places."

johnny 02-23-2004 05:59 PM

Gillette Mach 3, and the spilling of blood will come to an end. :D

Aelia Jusa 02-23-2004 06:09 PM

Electrolysis and laser removal are also extremely painful, as well as really expensive as Timber said. Especially if you do large areas like legs (I don't know if you're male or female ;) ).

Depending on where you do it, tweezing is not painful after you get used to the sensation. People jump up and down talking about ice-cubes and teething gel and so on to ease the pain, but really, it doesn't hurt. I've been tweezing my brows for years and it's not even a tiny pain - it's no pain. Of course, tweezing is only applicable for very small areas or single rogue hairs.

I guess it depends on what you're shaving. If you're a guy and doing your face, then depiliatory cream really isn't appropriate because it takes quite a long time (12 minutes or so) and only lasts for a few days so you'd have to redo it too often for it to be a practical method (plus it really really smells ;) ). For legs, again creams aren't good because it's such a large area. Creams are really only good for bikini lines and maybe if you had hair down from your belly button. I use a gillette mach 3 razor (it was a free sample, which is why I use a guy's razor) which is great, especially when the blade is new and it has the moisturising strip, and soap. Shaving creams and gels are good, especially if you have sensitive skin, but I find as long as the area is nice and wet and I use enough soap, my skin isn't irritated.

Vaskez 02-23-2004 06:22 PM

What a nice topic and what a thoughtful and insightful post as always, Aelia. :D Yeah Mach 3 is the way to go...
I have a feeling this thread could tend in a direction where the words "detail" and "excess" might come to mind :D

[ 02-23-2004, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: Vaskez ]

Melusine 02-23-2004 06:44 PM

LOL Vaskez. :D I was thinking the same thing.

I always thought you were a guy, Gabrielles Blades, so if that's the case and you're looking for alternatives to shave your face, I don't think there are many. I'd just try different brands of razors - I've heard good things about the Mach 3 too.
If you're a girl, then I apologise for the misunderstanding. :D
Personally I get sick of looking for the best way too sometimes... I think wax isn't that painful, really, but it's so messy and you have to wait for the hair to grow long enough. Creams, like Aelia said, are really only useful for smaller areas, as are tweezers. Then there's hair removal sprays which can be convenient - just spray, wait, rinse. Personally I use razors the most though.
Apart from that, Aelia did say it all. ;)

Illumina Drathiran'ar 02-23-2004 07:26 PM

You mentioned ice cubes, Aelia, so I will use this time to inform everyone that ice cubes are a bad idea. They chill the skin, which causes everything to tighten and contract. This makes the hair harder to tweeze; they will ultimately cause more pain than they might numb.

Not.. that I have any unsightly or stray or misplaced hair anywhere on my body. Not at all. I just, um, heard this somewhere. (Yes, that'll do for now.)

[ 02-23-2004, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Illumina Drathiran'ar ]

Gabrielles blades 02-23-2004 08:30 PM

im a guy, and sheesh thats WAY too expensive for those permanent solutions; my car cost that much!

sounds like ill have to try that mach3 razor; ive tried disposable ones before but always got bloody cuts from them.
too bad about that cream too:( it sounded like such an easy solution (thats marketing for ya)

SpiritWarrior 02-23-2004 08:48 PM

I'm the same mate, I hate shaving. I'm lazy as hell when it comes to it so look like a lycanthrope half of the time, although when I am shaven and look like I want to, I have a goatee only. On average I shave about 2 times a week (which isn't as bad as some people, I swear!).

And so begins the shaving tutorial...

I'd go also with the mach 3 blade. Use gels only that foam on massaging into your face. Steer away from a product that comes out as foam first if you know what I'm talking about. Since you say shaving electronically irritates you I'd wager you have sensitive skin. Look for a gel that has 'Sensitive' on the front.

The key to avoid cuts is to choose a product with as much lubrication as possible, it is when the blade comes into contact non-lubricated skin that it starts to shred your face. The other thing to remember is most blokes shave all too fast. Slow down, take care while shaving the angles such as the side of the chin. It really makes all the difference, trust me.

Vaskez 02-23-2004 08:58 PM

Damn, you're a guy GB? I always assumed you were a girl due to your girly username and girl signature pic? Are you SURE you're a guy? Or are you one of those flowery-hippy types in touch with their feminine side? :D ;)

But yeah Mach 3 is the best, I never get cuts and I also got a free sample in the mail, that's when I started using it :D Just use gillette shaving gel with it for best effects. Then again I'm a lazyass and everyone that matters says I look better with stubble so generally only shave once a week.

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