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cav_again 10-22-2003 04:08 AM

I know I probably should have posted this on my current post about my character, but I don't believe it would have garnered enough attention and/or opinions/answers on that page.

My question is:
It's been suggested I should play a Fallen Paladin who has become a Sorcerer. Is there a way I can justify this?

It doesn't seem like I can, as both Paladin's and sorcerer's seem to be set in their paths since their births. But I think the DM might allow this, considering my Sorcerer would be Nuetral (True) Evil, and I think (but I'm not sure) that one of the players has an evil character (a vampire I think, which, if true, which would most likely mean I can't play a Paladin).

I'm not talking about some breaking of the rules, where he's multi or dual classed in these classes (that's not allowed, right?), Im just saying, being a paladin wouuld simply be a part of his history/bio, and have no effect on gameplay.

I'm thinking, he could have been a squire to a paladin, and then became a paladin, then strayed from the path to develope his sorcerer skills he had been supressing and denying all his life?

So far, as a history/bio for my paladin, he slayed a dragon when he was quite young (late teens), a feat that would take quite some ability - maybe he has the blood of a dragon coursing through his veins, something that Sorcerers often claim. There's a little bit of justification, right?

thanks for your opinions!

Azred 10-22-2003 04:28 AM

<font color = lightgreen>As with many things in life, you may reasonably justify anything you wish. The bottom line is that the character is yours; if you wish to design your character a certain way or justify something, then do so.
The problem with Fallen Paladins is that so many think they must be evil, else they would not be Fallen. Not true. Perhaps a Fallen Paladin has become chaotic good after becoming disillusioned about his corrupt local government or--even better--the Paladin has become Fallen because he believes himself to have some sort of taint that would prevent his remaining a Paladin even though there actually is no taint. That is, the character's irrational belief causes Fallen status, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure. Have fun and run with your own ideas.</font>

Faceman 10-22-2003 04:29 AM

Well, being a sorcerer is innate so your bio would have to be, that you wanted to surpress your evil magic by becoming a paladin and failed. Then you became fallen paladin and went straight back to sorcery.

cav_again 10-22-2003 04:38 AM

Wow, both of you guys give me an argument for "Yes, this is possible".

Azred, I know that paladin's don't neccesarily have to be evil when fallen, but the Sorcerer I plan on playing is.

Both of you guys' ideas are great! "he Paladin has become Fallen because he believes himself to have some sort of taint that would prevent his remaining a Paladin even though there actually is no taint (or that taint could be there, like Faceman said: "you wanted to surpress your evil magic by becoming a paladin and failed. Then you became fallen paladin and went straight back to sorcery."). That is, the character's irrational belief causes Fallen status, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

Wow. I can use one or the other or combine both.


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