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The Hunter of Jahanna 01-30-2003 04:39 PM

I borrowed this from here-->

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It seems like an interesting idea, so what do you think?


This question is for anyone who "believes" in a specific god with a specific history. Many such people have presented to me the idea that their god is a moral one. I am aiming generally at Christians here, but any religion whose proponents claim the existence of a moral god would fit in here as well.

My question is, how do you define moral? Is there an ultimate morality as you see it? A set of guidelines to which one's actions do or do not live up to? A code which exists whether there is a god or not? Or, rather, is morality defined as "whatever god does".

I asked my religious aunt jjrt recently if there was anything that her god could do which she would consider evil. Her answer was "No." It seemed to me that she was saying that anything he does should not be considered immoral simply becuase of who he is. He could torture an animal, man, woman, or infant, and simply because of his power, he is beyond being immoral. He could enjoy it, he could be like a child who pulls the wings off a fly, and that would be just fine for him. This is a concept I have some real trouble with.

To further question, is there anything your god could do which would make him unworthy of worship in your eyes? Some Christians here have said they will curse the very god they support now if he turns out to be the hell-fire eternity burning type described by some. They say they read "The Bible" and don't see him there, but rather they see only a god of love.

I must say, that I wholly disagree with the idea that ANY entity ever can do whatever they want, hurt whoever they want, torture whoever they want, and no matter what, they are still worthy of worship. It seems one trying to convert me must do two things to succeed:

1. Convince me that the entity is worthy of worship.
2. Convince me that the entity exists.

Even if you manage to convince me of #2, #1 does not have to be the case. For some it is automatic. I think that convincing me that someone specific created this reality should be a step. The next step becomes deciding whether said creature is worthy of worship.

Is it possible that the creator is (or can be at times) cruel and evil? If such is the case (and was revealed to you) would you then worship out of fear or repercussions? Is worship based in love and respect, or fear? Or both? Must you love the thing you worship?

What if god turns out to be a kid who got a hold of his dad's universe creator and is abusing it? Someone needs to get control of the kid in this case. That god is the maker of morals and not to be judged by them is one I would have much trouble accepting. I have morals too. Should we not attempt to try and see if the actions of the things we worship conform to our notions of good/evil? Or do you just chalk it up to a "Greater Plan" as a get-out-of-jail free card for seemingly cruel behaivior and stop thinking about it?

DaLovin' DJ

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