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dark soul 12-30-2002 12:14 PM

well it seems that mankind is goin to screw us over.......lets just say that mankind is gone.....what do u think happened....what caused this to do u think mankind is goin to end?

i think that the global warmin thing is goin to melt the polar ice caps and drown us all.....

Timber Loftis 12-30-2002 12:24 PM

If global warming does screw us all in such a theatrical way, the ensuing chaos will kill us before the rising tides.

Global Warming kills through drought and flooding of food supply. Example: the Boreal Forests (Norther US and Canada) have ranges that are tending to move about 2 km north every year, due to change in the weather. Problem: it takes trees 50 years to migrate 2 km. Over time the climate will move too far north and the forests will simply die.

Same thing is true with other types of ecosystems.

Sorry, but I didn't throw out a "how will it end" hypothesis - maybe later.

johnny 12-30-2002 12:25 PM

I think you had a little too much to drink. :D

The Hunter of Jahanna 12-30-2002 12:33 PM

I think the "Not my kid" mentality of most of todays parents is going to be the end of us all. The way they train their children to not be responsible for themselves and to be self centered little shits is apaling. The X-mas season brought this revelation to me. Going to the mall and watching children run the show , while their parents kow tow to their every whim is sickening.Think of what will hapen 10 years from now when these children who can only say "NO!" , "I want", and "You cant make me" have to go and get jobs. The world will be plunged into economic decay as the spoiled brats of today become the welfare cases of tomorrow. The exodus of buisnesses into 3rd world countries will increase at an epic pace as these rotten children grow into rotten people who think too much of themselves and too little of everyone else. The human race wont end , but a lot of countries are going to get a nasty wake up call from all of it.

dark soul 12-30-2002 12:39 PM

no man im not drunk.....this is a serious problem here......i remembered an other thin that might end mankind.....well at south america.....the rain forest there provides 50% of our oxygen on earth.....well its gettin cut down in a alarmin rate....and it also contains 50% of plants and animals in the world...well just think about this.....everyday we our losin a plant or animal permantly....and if the rain forest at south america gets wipe out....well we will start like buyin bottled oxygen like if it was water.....and it will soon run out and we all will sufficate......

Elif Godson 12-30-2002 01:15 PM

I say blame it on the Cockroach, Tyrant of dung, Perveyor of slime and Master of the headless belly crawl. :D The Roach was here way before we were and will be here way after us. I think maybe they spawned us as a ginetic experiment hell were all test tube babies grown in a roaches petrie dish, we really were kept in the dark and fed #$%^ LOL sorry I just canot be serious about the end of the Mankind, live life in the now and be responsable for your actions, become a politician and make laws that will make others responsable for there's or something like that and if they dont agree you can always feed them to the roaches. :D .

(The Statement above in no way represent the moral fiber and logical standing of this station, we are hereby not responsable for any wrong doing caused by a third parties actions)

[ 12-30-2002, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Elif Godson ]

SecretMaster 12-30-2002 01:30 PM

I have to agree with Dark Soul, mankind will kill us all. Eventually, will exhaust all resources, totally polute the earth and then it will kill us. What will probably kill us is a mixture of global warming, pollution, and nuclear weapons (hey, nuclear war is bound to come one of these days). Seriously though, it kinda sucks.

Timber Loftis 12-30-2002 01:31 PM

Upon further reflection, I have an "end to humanity" to postulate:

I think that once our current civilzation descends into the absolute horrors of debauchery we will, with our own perverse mental forces working in concert, bring about a rift in the warp, sucking us all into the eternal void and unleashing the horrors of Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Khorn upon the multiverse as never seen before.

MagiK 12-30-2002 01:46 PM

<font color="#ffccff">I think all the bozo's worried about global warming will be the death of me.....aside from that, I personally believe that there will be no one single thing that ends humanity as a species...if it is ever wiped out completely at all. The only real threat of it is probably when our sun runs outr of fuel.

Edit:<font color=blue>NOTE: I did NOT say everyone who believes the global warming theories was a Bozo....I said the Bozo's worried about global warming.....think about is all in the semantics.</font></font>

[ 12-30-2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]

Jerome 12-30-2002 01:58 PM

Eventually, there will be a re-evaluation of all moral codes, and a period of great discovery and industry following a singual individual who will possess the will of force and eloquence to enlighten the people.

The end of mankind will likely come through natural disaster, rather than our own destructive nature. Plus, theoretically, due to ideas about proton decay, in 9 trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years (yep, 9 x 10^72)no matter will exist any more, so we couldn't possibly exist. :D

Theoretically, mind. ;)

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