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Suzaku 11-06-2002 12:30 PM

Humans are just like any other animal.

1. We do what ever we can to survive.

2. We take advantage of the environment to live.

3. We warred off enemies that trespass on to our space.

It's just that man has advanced to the point that we put these needs to the extreme.

1. We attack, kill, and destroy to survive.

2. We rape the land to live.

3. We are so paranoid that we build the most destructive weapons on earth to warred off enemies.

We are merely apes with a higher consciousness. But this higher plane of thinking has caused us to forget that we are only apes and that we must behave in such a way to survive efficiently. We abuse our higher state of being to the point condemning the state in which we should live.

The Yeti is not the missing link. We are. We are not the height of human evolution because we are so imperfect. Maybe the next step in evolution will have finally coped with it's mental faculties and realize it's predecessor's faults.

In a sense, man has become to smart for itself. The animal part of our minds have yet to catch up with the rational part of our minds. Thus, we have become the child with his father rifle.

So saying all this, how exactly *smart* are we? We still war with and kill each other for the past several millenia, with little or no change in how we act. Are we hopeless?!

Timber Loftis 11-06-2002 12:45 PM

Be the beast, lest you will become the beast.
Be wary of how long you stare into the abyss, for the abyss stares back.

You should really seek out some Nietszche for your "how to cope with myself as inherently evil" needs. ;) We consume, at base, as it's what animals do to live. We must kill to live. By extrapolation and after thousands of years, we rape the environment to feed our bursting population. We must stay warm, at base. Extrapolation: the Sears Tower. I think much of society can be explained by looking at our base animal needs and imagining their extrapolation ad nauseum over millenia. This very paradox at the center of our being is no greater or more mystical than all the other paradoxes that drive the universe, I believe.

You answered your "is there hope" question in your statement that we are imperfect and evolving.

MagiK 11-06-2002 12:45 PM

<font color="#00ccff">All of your premises are extremely biased and worded in the most negative possible way :( If we accept your wording, Humans are the worst thing in the known universe. I disagree with your suppositions.

Edit: You also seem to place all other creatures on some moral high ground. I think you need to live in the woods for a while.</font>

[ 11-06-2002, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]

Suzaku 11-06-2002 12:54 PM

How did I know I'd get negative replies... :D *sigh*

Biased or not, I think perhaps you should like to consider what's being said deeply, and not be offended at surface's touch. First off, yes I am feeling rather ticked right now, but I do tend to look at humans sometimes this way, seeing as how much we waste, pollute and destroy this earth.

I might edit the wording later once I have a more unoffending and equally pointing arguemnt. Otherwise, feel free to debate the points here.

MagiK 11-06-2002 01:17 PM


Originally posted by Suzaku:
How did I know I'd get negative replies... :D *sigh*

<font color="#00ccff">You got exactly what you posted, there is no positive outlook in your post, all you do in it is cut down humanity. You ignore all the kindness and all the constructive things that the human race has accomplished. </font>

Biased or not, I think perhaps you should like to consider what's being said deeply, and not be offended at surface's touch. First off, yes I am feeling rather ticked right now, but I do tend to look at humans sometimes this way, seeing as how much we waste, pollute and destroy this earth.

<font color="#00ccff">I indicated no offense, just disagreement with your assessment. The smilies indicate a sense of sadness at your apparent negative view of your own species.</font>

I might edit the wording later once I have a more unoffending and equally pointing arguemnt. Otherwise, feel free to debate the points here.

<font color="#00ccff">I don't begrudge you your opinions, Im just sad that you live in such a negative state.

Edit: Just because I have disagreement with your assumptions does not mean I have not considered these issues very deeply. I don't go thru life with my head in the sand. I have traveled, I have observed and I can still find the light to keep a positive outlook.</font>

[ 11-06-2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]

Indemaijinj 11-06-2002 01:23 PM

I agree with you fully Suzaku.

Mellagar 11-06-2002 01:33 PM

Yes, but unlike animals when I go outside and take a leak on the neighbors fence I get in trouble, and my dog doesn't. Now that's just biased in my opinion!

LordKathen 11-06-2002 01:33 PM

Being Atheistic, did I just say that out loud?, I fully agree with you also Suzaku. I myself have pondered If maybe animals are the smart ones. The destruction of earth did not start untill recently with industrial evolvment, and technology. Maybe the animals are just biding there time untill we destroy ourselves, then a new species will evolve to try agian.

LordKathen 11-06-2002 01:35 PM

I would like to say that I am glad we can voice our opinions without fear of judgment on this forum, right?. The atheist topic is kinda touchy right now with all the crap going on in this world.

Bruce The Aussie 11-06-2002 01:40 PM

well don't worry suzaku, the cats plans for world Domination will soon be in effect, Then they will rule! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[img]graemlins/nicekitty.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/kittynow.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/evilcat.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/cat3.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/catchase.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/catmilk.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/catsmile.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/tiger.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/choc3.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/choc.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/cat2.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/catfly.gif[/img]
they also have legions of attack [img]graemlins/lamb.gif[/img]
and the ability to summon dragons! [img]graemlins/wizardtrouble.gif[/img]

on a lighter note, yes your right. we're a horrible species. maybe if we got rid of everyone who ever thought any evil thoughts we might have a better species. well i'm dead meat then. :D

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