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drewal 06-12-2002 10:16 PM

What you you create? What class, race, alignment? What NPC and PC interactions?

Me, personally, I think there should be a half-orc barbarian NPC. Chaotic Evil. Massive tank. He should have amazing stats, to make him worth the trouble he'd cause with all other NPCs. He should also be insane, going beserk at random times, such as in shops, and when talking to VIPs around Athkatla. This all would add another dimension to playing an evil party. Controlling your mad half-orc would then be part and parcel with finishing the game.

Sazerac 06-12-2002 10:22 PM

That's a great idea, drewal! Actually, a great NPC mod would be Madulf, the ogre dude who's just north of Imnesvale in Umar Hills. He could be made a Half-Orc barbarian instead and could join the party, and one could do a whole storyline about his life in the Sythsillian army and why he eventually deserted. Since he's already in the game, it would be easy to convert him to a mod get him in the group, you'd have to get the village to be friendly to his people and then rather than offer you the shield, he'd offer to join up with you. It's an idea! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Only trouble is, I gather from his speech that Madulf isn't CE; he's more CN or CG. *sigh*. I agree, more evil NPC's need to be out there, and I guess the only hope is to look for 3rd party mods.


drewal 06-12-2002 10:46 PM

This presupposes an evil PC, but why would a good PC take an insane CE barbarian with them:

You could turn the Imnesvale villagers against Madulf, sending him into a rage, driving him to insanity (a la Hunchback of Notre Dame).

Then, after he's been hounded and condemned by the villagers, his companions fled, you can take him into your own party. Only he doesn't know that you are the one who sent him on his downward path.

Then there would be this constant tension for the rest of the game. Dialogues between him and the PC, and other NPCs present during the Umar Hills incident, could skirt around the issue of how the villagers decided with finality that Malduf was the root of their problems.

The truth could be kept hidden for some parties, but in others, the truth could come out (Edwin and Korgan both have big mouths). If the truth comes out, perhaps Malduf forgives you, only to betray you at some later - and important - time.

I need to learn how to create an NPC Mod, and I'll do this. Any suggestions? I've never even edited an item, but I am a pretty fast learner.

drewal 06-12-2002 11:32 PM

Giving this some thought...

Conversely, if Malduf is not the way to go, perhaps the insane half-orc barbarian is one of Malduf's companions who becomes available once the Umar's Hills Malduf quest is complete. That would still allow for the the Sythsillian army storyline.

Anyone and everyone, which of the above two scenarios do you like better?

Xero279 06-12-2002 11:45 PM

(this wouldnt be an evil party) but **SPOILER** i think it would be cool to have Lethinan (from the coppor coronet) to join your group. Isnt he the gladiator you save from the jail cell in the back? well, whatever the gladiators name is it would be cool to have him. like after he takes control of the coppor coronet again maybe joines u instead. OR, maybe they could add in him a partner that had to share the same cell with him and maybe his partner (also a gladiator) could join your team of take care of the coronet making lethinan join (or whatever his name is). was that confusing? lol

khazadman 06-12-2002 11:57 PM

how about an npc with a split personality?one a chaotic evil fighter,and the other a paladin.a whole quest could be to destroy one of the personalities.

Wynne 06-13-2002 01:57 AM

Hmm... I think I'd make a female human Chaotic Good fighter/thief... no, reformed assassin dualed to fighter, but with special shadow armor that gives her bonuses to some of her thief abilities so that she wouldn't be a sucky dead-end thief. She would be a friend to any PC, talking to him/her extensively, and a possible romance for a male PC of any race or class. I would also make it possible to betray her and change her alignment in a creepy, nasty way, so she could really fit in any party.

Oh, wait, I just remembered, I really am making an NPC like that! ***SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT*** :D

Xero--Heheh, Lehtinan's actually the scumbag you help Hendak kill. ;)

drewal 06-13-2002 11:11 AM

Perhaps an evil party should be able to side with the slavers, and one of the slavers or Lehtinan would join up.

Wynne: I've been reading about your MOD on forgotten wars. It sounds very intriguing. I will definetly download it when you are finished.

SixOfSpades 06-13-2002 10:42 PM

Let's see, so far we've got:
Barbarian NPC for Good Party: Hendak- Perform the Slavery quests and he's yours
Barbarian NPC for Evil Party: One of Madulf's band- Do some Public Relations work for them and get a recruit
OR: Baron Ployer. Bring the dying Jaheira to him, and refuse to aid her. Ployer will be so delighted at her being betrayed by her own friends that he will take an immediate liking to you, and offer to join once Jaheira's dead.

And Rowan, a good female Fighter->Thief, helping ease the pain of there being no good Fighters. She sounds like she's going to have some pretty good dialogue....yay!

I'm working on ideas for a whole buttload of NPCs now......unfortunately, I lack a few things to actually implement those ideas (Infinity Explorer experience, an Internet connection, and a capable of running BG), but my inner Think Tank keeps churning out good stuff. One of may favorites:
An as-yet-unnamed Half-Elven Ranger/Cleric. I'll call him Varlen Modai for now. I want to show the player how cool a Ranger/Cleric can be, but only offer a taste of it--therefore, he has awesome stats: 18(85)/18/17/11/17/13, but is with the party for only a very short time, as follows: He is present when the party meets Elhan, and tracks them halfway to Athkatla, waylaying them immediately after the Drizzt encounter. He has a personal score to settle with Bodhi: His mother was the first person she drew blood from after her switch to vampirism. He will either make his own path to the Graveyard District or join the party, on the condition that they reach Bodhi's lair within 36 hours (Varlen's skills are urgently needed against the Drow, as well). If he goes to the Graveyard District alone, he will appear right after Bodhi captures your romance. He will again offer to join, easing the pain of trying to fight Vampires without a Priest. Once Bodhi has been cornered, Varlen goes ballistic: He's still in the party, but you no longer control him, and he makes straight for Bodhi. Here's where I'm cheating him: Even though he's a Ranger/Cleric, he has the Undead Hunter kit, with a Racial Enemy of Vampire to boot. As soon as he sees Bodhi, he's scripted to release a Chain Contingency that releases Ironskins, Chant, and Draw Upon Holy Might. He will ignore the Grimwardens and the other Vampires until Bodhi is dead. Once the Lanthorn has been obtained, Varlen will take possession of it and announce his immediate return to Elhan. The PC may choose to either accompany him, or return to the Underdark Exit at a later time. If you choose the latter, when you reach the Underdark Exit you will find that Elhan is gone, but Varlen will teleport you to the Forest of Tethir, and you'll find Elhan inside, while Varlen returns to the Underdark Exit. Varlen will not rejoin the party, nor can he be summoned by the Statue of Fate in ToB.

Short interaction with an NPC, but very full.

Tiresius 06-13-2002 11:02 PM

I like the idea for more developed evil characters. That is the one thing i dislike about the game...Evil characters didn't get anything other that higher prices and guards attempting to kill me. i wish there was and optional story line where you cooperated with Irenicus or something. I hope Never Winter has something where you can have more significant differences between evil and good parties. well now that i think about it BG2 did have the bhodi/shadow thief decision in getting the spellhold. But that ended up getting you to the same place just in a different way.

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